Now, it breaks my heart to see the little guardrails around the trees. However, the Auburn Spirit isn't broken and we carry on.
The rest of the pre-game morning was uneventful. We did the usuals like the bookstore, Tiger Walk, and Anders.
Then, the game. This story isn't really about the football game. I enjoyed it very much, and it was certainly worth its own story and post. I am proud of the guys, especially the DEFENSE, Codey and Steven, and of Clint. However, I digress. Our family's seats are in a location where there aren't really a group of people who act like morons during the game. If you sit there, you behave. Most of the people have sat around each other for years. So, this guy is sitting behind me who isn't normally there. He was DRUNK. I dont mean tipsy, sloppy, or woozy. I mean slurring, falling down drunk. The first thing that happened was that he spilled his drink on my was all in my hair and ALL down my back. He apologized repeatedly, but I just kinda said, 'yeah, ok, dont worry.' Then, it happened AGAIN. This time, he tried to give me money!!!! I was very close to going to let a event security person know. Then, he elbowed me in the head. He leaned forward and slurred, 'Can I get a hug.' Ahem. I don't hug much anyway. Much less a drunk person that I don't know. I said, 'not right now.' I was going to swap seats with my brother in law, but it was very close to halftime. Thankfully, the ladies sitting next to this bozo suggested that he put his drink down for a while. Then, when it was halftime, the ladies told him to go get a coke and some food and sit down outside and eat and try to sober up a little.
He came back after halftime. He TOTALLY REEKED. Of course, I did too by this time. He was much 'less drunk' by this time. If you kept up with the game at all, you know what happened in the 2ns half. He never seemed to realize they changed quarterbacks. He cheered for Kiehl when he was in, but when Clint would come in, he kept saying, 'Come on, Trotter!!' The ladies told him twice what was going on, then they quit trying.
I think toward the end of the game, he had sobered up quite a bit. When it became obvious we were going to win, he leaned up and said, 'War Eagle.' I replied with 'War Eagle' and patted him on the hand. I don't think he will be getting a ticket in that area again soon. The ladies know the owner of that ticket, and we watch out for each other in that section. Plus, he was going back home to Washington. I don't wish anything bad on him at all, but he better hope he isn't in that seat for the Ole Miss game. If he is that drunk then, my dad will have someone come remove him, which I would totally agree with since the twins will be going.
So, there is my fun Florida game story. I am just glad we parked at facilities so I could clean up before we drove back to Mobile. I just know when I went to the restroom and stuff, people thought I was roasted because I smelled of alcohol so much! Oh well, if thats what I had to do for us to win, I was fine with stinking for a few hours! :)