Sunday, February 6, 2011

No Catchy Title

We had a guest pastor this morning at church. Our pastor was out of town, and the speaker from the Disciple Now weekend was our 'pastor' for the day. He was really interesting. He had lots of good things to say. He worked with FCA for years, and he worked closely with Tim Tebow. Now, I love Auburn. I love Southern Miss. I love GCHS football. I also love Tim Tebow. He described this story where Tim was in a store in Gainesville. A college aged girl with her mom asked Tim if she could have her picture made with him. Tim agreed and posed with the girl. The girl's MOM was taking the picture. As mom was counting to three, when she got to two, the girl yanked up her shirt. Tim, being the elite athlete that is he, took off. Somehow, he was able to escape the photo.

I don't know why some people find it funny or humorous or a quest in life to try to do something to ruin or embarrass another person. It doesn't matter if they are an athlete, a teacher, or a postal worker. I have never found it rewarding to try to do something to ruin, hurt, or embarrass another person. I hope that one day that girl is able to realize what it means to try to be a role model for someone else. I DO take certain things somewhat personally, but it means a lot to me when people who are on their way to being famous try to do the right thing. I can't stand it when someone decides they are SO important that they will just try to take that person down. I know most people do NOT consider what Jesus would think about certain situations, but I sure wish they did. There are people who, especially with the faceless Internet, find it FUN to do those things. Sometimes, people say or do things that are taken the wrong way, taken out of context, or were just running their mouths. Those things don't bother me too much because I have said things on twitter that didn't come across the way I intended them. However, there are other people who are just bent on doing exactly those things.  I hope one day Jesus opens their eyes and they are able to clearly see what effect the hurtful things they said or did had on a person. I have taken the stance that on the Internet at least, the best thing to do is to ignore these people and let their targets know I support them. I would like to say if I had witnessed the girl doing that to Tim that I would have spoken up. I hope I would have. Bullies are a part of every day life, but they shouldn't be allowed to take advantage of nice people who are trying to do the right thing, for the most part.

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