Saturday, February 5, 2011

Nothing New

I really have nothing new to blog about. I've been shopping around for a new desktop. I need to save a little more money before I can buy one, but I REALLY need one. I have also been excessively tired this week. I don't know if I am fighting something off or if something else is going on, but I just wish I could not feel so tired. I found out Friday night that one of my students has Chicken Pox, so I am really hoping we don't have some sort of high school outbreak of chicken pox. I know most students are vaccinated now, but there it is anyway.

Next week, I have to stay after school a few days. The Key Club is working on a service project. It seemed like a small project but has taken on a life of its own. Hopefully, the kids will have this as something to remember they worked really hard on. Hopefully, we can get it all done on Tuesday and Wednesday and get everything ready for the Kiwanis Club members to come and give us a thumbs up. The Key Club is really small. I took it over from someone else mid-year and it was not very active. The kids really wanted to get more involved, though. We decided to make treat bags for Valentine's Day for the kids at the Headstart program in the county. There are almost 300 kids in Headstart as it turns out, and we have 12 members. We decided to do a contest with the homerooms to collect the candy we need since we would have a hard time bringing that much stuff ourselves. It has turned into a huge thing, which is great. If all goes well, we can get all the bags made by Wednesday and the Kiwanis members will come pick up the bags and deliver them for Valentine's Day.

I have NOT done well on my diet this week, but I am not giving up!

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