Sunday, August 28, 2011


My friend Mike, over @ usually posts something at the beginning of each football season about keeping things in perspective. I sort of touched on this in my post yesterday, but  I wanted to revisit it. Mike does an excellent job each year with his post, and I wanted to give it a shot myself.

It seemed like this off-season was filled with a hate like never before. After so much has gone on, I thought MAYBE some of the hate would die down a little, but I see that isn't going to happen. Now, I love football. I love it more than any girl I know. However, I also feel compassion in my heart for other people, not just my team or the rival. I have witnessed a spreading of hatred for each other's teams like I have never seen before. I don't know if it's media hyping up the hate, if its social media, or if society is really losing a grip on humanity, but I saw things I didn't think I'd EVER see. It makes me sad, and I think it ALMOST ruined me on the sport. I did decide though, that I wouldn't let someone else's words, actions, or thoughts change something that I have loved all of my life.

There are people struggling in the aftermath of the tornadoes in AL, MO, MS, and many other areas. Folks lost everything they owned. People lost loved ones. Yes, football can take your mind off of these problems, but spreading hate isn't going to help any either. Personally, when I feel that sort of ugliness in my heart, it just leaves me upset with an empty feeling inside.

Then again, a rivalry can bring out the best in us, too. After the trees were poisoned, fans from the other school jumped in to help us. We all jumped in to help anyone who needed it after the tornadoes. It's too bad that we can't keep things this way.
My friend Teresa lost her grandmother and her dad within a short period of time.

My friend Robert lost his mom.

We have had THREE! teachers at school have miscarriages.

A lady I used to teach with has been diagnosed with a blood cancer and she is now waiting on a bone marrow transplant.

A young man named Garrett and his wife both died in a tornado in Birmingham. A friend of his dad's maintains a site for prayer for others. There I learned about Chelsea, a young lady who almost died from a drug overdose. She is struggling to get back to daily life, dealing with some brain damage and some emotional damages. I learned about Tyler, a little boy who has a cancer that will probably get the best of him.A rivalry in football seems minor compared to these problems. It goes on and on.

So many people are hurting. So, as the season goes on, cheer for your team!!! I know I certainly will! I think even a friendly jab is ok. Before you decide to be HATEFUL, think of the people who have lost everything. Root for your team, but let's keep things in perspective. I don't have any nifty, clever sayings to go here, but as a man I admire said in his book, 'Wins don't validate us and losses don't define us. How we respond to things is what matters.'

So, I am challenging myself and anyone else who reads my blog and is a lover of college football, let's preserve this game. Lose the hate for the other team and root for your team.

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