Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Moment in the Sun

Wow! I can't believe it really happened. After the 2004 team was left out, I wasn't sure I'd see an Auburn National Championship in my lifetime. Yet, there was something about this team. I can't put my finger on it exactly, but a blessed individual once said, 'You can't buy team chemistry at Wal-Mart.' (I guess the trophy can be displayed there, though. That's another story for another day.) If I had to put a place I thought it started, I would say LAST year with Kodi. Then, Zac got hurt, yet he clawed his way back to a starting position. Ziemba and Pugh with their rock solid leadership. Then, we had two power players, Cam and Nick. A guy named Darvin who could catch the ball no matter where it was put. Every time a player was interviewed, the gave credit to another player. The coaches; One, an offensive genius and man of God named Malzhan. He always looked like he was thinking, thinking- but you can tell how much he loves his family. A coach who everyone made fun of and mispronounced his name on purpose. He emphasized family and made the team do team events. (which I have to say was so much fun to watch) He made all the fans feel like a part of everything. One coach seems very hyper, yet what he provides for the team doesn't have a price tag. Another is a quiet man, but was able to put together important stops at exactly the right time. Three sets of twins among the coaches children.

A guy named Lutzenkirchen. A guy named Darvin. Mike. Terrell. Onterio. Egue. Dyer.Byron. Mario. Wes. Josh. Neil. Barrett.

I know I won't be able to mention everyone, so I am going to stop now.

One team called the Auburn Tigers. One mission. Destiny.

A National Championship. In my lifetime.

I believe in Auburn and love it.

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