Saturday, January 15, 2011

Quest to get in shape

So, for about two weeks now, I've been careful with what I eat, working out at least every other day, and drinking more water than I normally do. So far, I've lost 3 pounds, but it depends on what time of day it is really. I wonder exactly how much weight fluctuates during the day. Mostly, I have been wanting to do this, but when I got a bad report on bloodwork on cholesterol, I decided to try to get it together. I really don't want to be 35 on blood pressure and cholesterol meds. I used to be really athletic and in really good shape, but somehow, I let it get away from me. In my heart, I am still that athlete that I was, but in my head, I know that it won't be exactly the same. However, I am determined to give it as much effort as I can.

I've got good music. I've got my mom's treadmill. I've got some Leslie Sansone walking videos...and I am gonna give it a go!

1 comment:

  1. HI! I know you're going to do really, really great with this whole work out thing. I know your cholesterol will lower and be less scary in no time. The reason I know these things is that if you approach it with half the passion and commitment you seem to approach everything else with how can you not succeed in this? Take Care!
