Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Daily Blessings
I saw a lot of people doing a daily post on things they were thankful for this month. I had thought about doing it, but decided not to do it. However, in the last few days, I have had a couple of answered prayer requests. I am thankful for many things. I am thankful for a God who cares and knows the things that we need. I am thankful for two very specific needs that were fulfilled very recently. I am also thankful for a wonderful family. Things didn't work out the way I thought they might. I always hoped I'd be married and have my own children by now. However, God had other plans for me. I have been blessed with two adorable nieces that I love more than anything. I have wonderful parents who I am close to, and I am close with my sister and her husband. I am thankful that they let me treat the twins like they were my own. I am thankful for the wonderful friends that I have. A few of you are as close as family, and I am thankful for that. I am thankful that I have a job. Everything isn't perfect, but I love going to work with my kids. I am thankful for a nice home. It may have termites at the moment, but I am thankful for a termite bond that will fix the damage. I am thankful for the country that I live in. There may me imperfections, but I love my country. I am also grateful for the men and women who protect the freedoms we enjoy. I am thankful that I have good health. I am also thankful that I have been able to enjoy Auburn football. It may sound petty, but when my whole family can go to the whole game together, it isn't petty at all. It makes me thankful for the traditions my grandparents have passed down through Auburn football and now is passed to the twins. I think I could go on forever, but I will spare everyone. I just wanted to mention some of the things I am thankful for on this Thanksgiving Eve. Now, what about you?
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Big Day on the Plains
Well, since http://www.thewareaglereader.com was linking my blog on his site, I thought MAYBE I should add my tidbit on here.
First, a week ago, my family headed up to Auburn for our 'all together game'. We enjoy it every year, and we had a great time this year.
Anyway, the info I sent to The War Eagle Reader was about Tiger Walk. It was just a mistake, but it didn't stop it from being...interesting. Normally, we go to Tiger Walk early and try to stand along the the rails so we are near the players. This year, we were super busy and didn't get over there until late, so we decided to stand up on the hill. The crowd was huge, as always, when a Mississippi State Trooper arrives and decides to try to drive through the crowd. I would have thought when he saw the very large crowd, he would stop, check game day info and turn around, but nope, he pressed on. Eventually, he got to the guard rails and some friendly fans helped him back up and get out of there.
First, a week ago, my family headed up to Auburn for our 'all together game'. We enjoy it every year, and we had a great time this year.
Anyway, the info I sent to The War Eagle Reader was about Tiger Walk. It was just a mistake, but it didn't stop it from being...interesting. Normally, we go to Tiger Walk early and try to stand along the the rails so we are near the players. This year, we were super busy and didn't get over there until late, so we decided to stand up on the hill. The crowd was huge, as always, when a Mississippi State Trooper arrives and decides to try to drive through the crowd. I would have thought when he saw the very large crowd, he would stop, check game day info and turn around, but nope, he pressed on. Eventually, he got to the guard rails and some friendly fans helped him back up and get out of there.
Now, I can't imagine driving though that crowd. I can't speak for anyone else. At any rate, there you go. I sure am glad Auburn is off today. I can enjoy the hoopla of today's SEC matchup with no worries!
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Fun Weekend
So, I've been to plenty of Auburn games. This weekend, I went to the AU/Florida game with my sister and brother-in-law. We had a great time. We got there early. We were able to go see the National Championship Trophy.
We also got to go over to Toomer's Corner and look around a bit before it was covered in TP.
Now, it breaks my heart to see the little guardrails around the trees. However, the Auburn Spirit isn't broken and we carry on.
The rest of the pre-game morning was uneventful. We did the usuals like the bookstore, Tiger Walk, and Anders.
Then, the game. This story isn't really about the football game. I enjoyed it very much, and it was certainly worth its own story and post. I am proud of the guys, especially the DEFENSE, Codey and Steven, and of Clint. However, I digress. Our family's seats are in a location where there aren't really a group of people who act like morons during the game. If you sit there, you behave. Most of the people have sat around each other for years. So, this guy is sitting behind me who isn't normally there. He was DRUNK. I dont mean tipsy, sloppy, or woozy. I mean slurring, falling down drunk. The first thing that happened was that he spilled his drink on my head...it was all in my hair and ALL down my back. He apologized repeatedly, but I just kinda said, 'yeah, ok, dont worry.' Then, it happened AGAIN. This time, he tried to give me money!!!! I was very close to going to let a event security person know. Then, he elbowed me in the head. He leaned forward and slurred, 'Can I get a hug.' Ahem. I don't hug much anyway. Much less a drunk person that I don't know. I said, 'not right now.' I was going to swap seats with my brother in law, but it was very close to halftime. Thankfully, the ladies sitting next to this bozo suggested that he put his drink down for a while. Then, when it was halftime, the ladies told him to go get a coke and some food and sit down outside and eat and try to sober up a little.
He came back after halftime. He TOTALLY REEKED. Of course, I did too by this time. He was much 'less drunk' by this time. If you kept up with the game at all, you know what happened in the 2ns half. He never seemed to realize they changed quarterbacks. He cheered for Kiehl when he was in, but when Clint would come in, he kept saying, 'Come on, Trotter!!' The ladies told him twice what was going on, then they quit trying.
I think toward the end of the game, he had sobered up quite a bit. When it became obvious we were going to win, he leaned up and said, 'War Eagle.' I replied with 'War Eagle' and patted him on the hand. I don't think he will be getting a ticket in that area again soon. The ladies know the owner of that ticket, and we watch out for each other in that section. Plus, he was going back home to Washington. I don't wish anything bad on him at all, but he better hope he isn't in that seat for the Ole Miss game. If he is that drunk then, my dad will have someone come remove him, which I would totally agree with since the twins will be going.
So, there is my fun Florida game story. I am just glad we parked at facilities so I could clean up before we drove back to Mobile. I just know when I went to the restroom and stuff, people thought I was roasted because I smelled of alcohol so much! Oh well, if thats what I had to do for us to win, I was fine with stinking for a few hours! :)
Now, it breaks my heart to see the little guardrails around the trees. However, the Auburn Spirit isn't broken and we carry on.
The rest of the pre-game morning was uneventful. We did the usuals like the bookstore, Tiger Walk, and Anders.
Then, the game. This story isn't really about the football game. I enjoyed it very much, and it was certainly worth its own story and post. I am proud of the guys, especially the DEFENSE, Codey and Steven, and of Clint. However, I digress. Our family's seats are in a location where there aren't really a group of people who act like morons during the game. If you sit there, you behave. Most of the people have sat around each other for years. So, this guy is sitting behind me who isn't normally there. He was DRUNK. I dont mean tipsy, sloppy, or woozy. I mean slurring, falling down drunk. The first thing that happened was that he spilled his drink on my head...it was all in my hair and ALL down my back. He apologized repeatedly, but I just kinda said, 'yeah, ok, dont worry.' Then, it happened AGAIN. This time, he tried to give me money!!!! I was very close to going to let a event security person know. Then, he elbowed me in the head. He leaned forward and slurred, 'Can I get a hug.' Ahem. I don't hug much anyway. Much less a drunk person that I don't know. I said, 'not right now.' I was going to swap seats with my brother in law, but it was very close to halftime. Thankfully, the ladies sitting next to this bozo suggested that he put his drink down for a while. Then, when it was halftime, the ladies told him to go get a coke and some food and sit down outside and eat and try to sober up a little.
He came back after halftime. He TOTALLY REEKED. Of course, I did too by this time. He was much 'less drunk' by this time. If you kept up with the game at all, you know what happened in the 2ns half. He never seemed to realize they changed quarterbacks. He cheered for Kiehl when he was in, but when Clint would come in, he kept saying, 'Come on, Trotter!!' The ladies told him twice what was going on, then they quit trying.
I think toward the end of the game, he had sobered up quite a bit. When it became obvious we were going to win, he leaned up and said, 'War Eagle.' I replied with 'War Eagle' and patted him on the hand. I don't think he will be getting a ticket in that area again soon. The ladies know the owner of that ticket, and we watch out for each other in that section. Plus, he was going back home to Washington. I don't wish anything bad on him at all, but he better hope he isn't in that seat for the Ole Miss game. If he is that drunk then, my dad will have someone come remove him, which I would totally agree with since the twins will be going.
So, there is my fun Florida game story. I am just glad we parked at facilities so I could clean up before we drove back to Mobile. I just know when I went to the restroom and stuff, people thought I was roasted because I smelled of alcohol so much! Oh well, if thats what I had to do for us to win, I was fine with stinking for a few hours! :)
Saturday, September 17, 2011
What do you do?
I knew it would happen sooner or later. I have experienced loss as a teacher before. As I have mentioned before, we lost a student a few years ago and it was extremely traumatic. I didn't have that student in MY class. I grieved then, but it wasn't like this. I had another little girl die several years ago. She had cancer and we knew it was coming. That doesn't make it any easier, really. This one ripped my heart out. THIS one was a student I had a few times. He graduated a couple of years ago. He was trying to do something with his life. He was working, taking classes, and had just joined the military. (Just in case my online friends are wondering, this is not the student I so frequently referred to as kiddo. This one graduated a couple of years before that group)
I first saw a story online about the accident. It just said, 'Mississippi Man Killed in Wreck on Springhill Ave.' I clicked on it. I promise, I didn't even read the story. His name just stood out to me. It was like his name was in 65 pt font. He has an unusual name, so I knew it was him. It was just an accident.
I had JUST heard from him the Friday before. He sent a message through another teacher to say hello, that he missed us, and that he was doing well.
My heart hurt. It hurt for me, the other teachers, his friends, his sister, his mom, his girlfriend, and for everyone who didnt get the chance to know him. I questioned, 'Why would God take a kid who was trying to do something with his life??' I still wonder. I don't know the answers. I know God is in control. He HAS comforted me. I talked with his mom last night at the service last night. She has been comforted by God as well, although she is hurting deeply.
When I first found out, I thought, 'Well, it would just be easier to not open my heart to the students I teach. It's just too hard to lose them.' I didn't think about that too long because that just isn't me. I have cried often. My heart has felt crushed. I had even felt like I was going to suffocate at times.
The service had to be delayed so long because his sister was in the car with him, and she was injured. They needed to let her heal. When she limped in last night with a cast on her arm and another one her leg, I burst into tears. His family welcomed me last night. His mom hugged me. I shared stories about him in class. He ALWAYS kept everyone laughing. He was a treasure to have in class. It was an honor to teach him. I wish everyone had gotten the chance to know him. I wish he had gotten the chance to grow up. I don't know why, but I know God does. Please continue to pray for his family. It has gotten easier as the days have gone by. I think I will always think about him at student assemblies (he was a great hip-hop dancer and once danced at a talent show. it was quite a memorable performance) and during basketball season. I won't forget him, but it has gotten easier. I love my job. I love the kids I teach. It's hard when things end this way, but I wouldn't trade having known him for anything.
I first saw a story online about the accident. It just said, 'Mississippi Man Killed in Wreck on Springhill Ave.' I clicked on it. I promise, I didn't even read the story. His name just stood out to me. It was like his name was in 65 pt font. He has an unusual name, so I knew it was him. It was just an accident.
I had JUST heard from him the Friday before. He sent a message through another teacher to say hello, that he missed us, and that he was doing well.
My heart hurt. It hurt for me, the other teachers, his friends, his sister, his mom, his girlfriend, and for everyone who didnt get the chance to know him. I questioned, 'Why would God take a kid who was trying to do something with his life??' I still wonder. I don't know the answers. I know God is in control. He HAS comforted me. I talked with his mom last night at the service last night. She has been comforted by God as well, although she is hurting deeply.
When I first found out, I thought, 'Well, it would just be easier to not open my heart to the students I teach. It's just too hard to lose them.' I didn't think about that too long because that just isn't me. I have cried often. My heart has felt crushed. I had even felt like I was going to suffocate at times.
The service had to be delayed so long because his sister was in the car with him, and she was injured. They needed to let her heal. When she limped in last night with a cast on her arm and another one her leg, I burst into tears. His family welcomed me last night. His mom hugged me. I shared stories about him in class. He ALWAYS kept everyone laughing. He was a treasure to have in class. It was an honor to teach him. I wish everyone had gotten the chance to know him. I wish he had gotten the chance to grow up. I don't know why, but I know God does. Please continue to pray for his family. It has gotten easier as the days have gone by. I think I will always think about him at student assemblies (he was a great hip-hop dancer and once danced at a talent show. it was quite a memorable performance) and during basketball season. I won't forget him, but it has gotten easier. I love my job. I love the kids I teach. It's hard when things end this way, but I wouldn't trade having known him for anything.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
More of this and that
So, I told a friend I had some favorite football players that didn't go to Auburn or Southern Miss. I was telling him using twitter with my cellphone, so I couldn't really list any players, so here they are in no particular order. I'm going to add a little story for some of them, but for some of them, there isn't really a reason. I don't think it makes me any LESS of an Auburn fan because I appreciate some players from other schools. Nor does it make me any less of a Southern Miss fan. I love both of my schools but I also love football. Sometimes, I love these guys for off the field reasons, but these are players I admire, nonetheless.
1. Peyton Manning
2. Dexter McCluster- he's just fast and fun to watch run
3. Tim Tebow- I don't think anyone tried harder to put God first in anything he did. You can disagree with me, and that is fine. I am not going to argue about it. I admire him.
4. Steve McNair
5. Walter Payton
6. Jay Barker
7. Colt McCoy- Did you know? He jumped out of a boat once when he was fishing because he saw someone struggling in the water. He swam across the lake and dragged him out of the water and rescued him from drowning.
8. Deion Sanders- Read his biography and your opinion of him won't be the same.
9. Herschel Walker
10. Rodney Scott- He listened when God spoke.
11. Larry Fitzgerald- I like to watch him catch and run. Even when he was in college.
12. Danny Wuerffel
13. Charlie Ward
I am sure there are some more, but these are the ones I can remember.
Now if I picked Auburn and Southern Miss players that were my favorite, we'd be here all day. :)
1. Peyton Manning
2. Dexter McCluster- he's just fast and fun to watch run
3. Tim Tebow- I don't think anyone tried harder to put God first in anything he did. You can disagree with me, and that is fine. I am not going to argue about it. I admire him.
4. Steve McNair
5. Walter Payton
6. Jay Barker
7. Colt McCoy- Did you know? He jumped out of a boat once when he was fishing because he saw someone struggling in the water. He swam across the lake and dragged him out of the water and rescued him from drowning.
8. Deion Sanders- Read his biography and your opinion of him won't be the same.
9. Herschel Walker
10. Rodney Scott- He listened when God spoke.
11. Larry Fitzgerald- I like to watch him catch and run. Even when he was in college.
12. Danny Wuerffel
13. Charlie Ward
I am sure there are some more, but these are the ones I can remember.
Now if I picked Auburn and Southern Miss players that were my favorite, we'd be here all day. :)
Sunday, August 28, 2011
My friend Mike, over @ http://www.mmbeachbum.blogspot.com/ usually posts something at the beginning of each football season about keeping things in perspective. I sort of touched on this in my post yesterday, but I wanted to revisit it. Mike does an excellent job each year with his post, and I wanted to give it a shot myself.
It seemed like this off-season was filled with a hate like never before. After so much has gone on, I thought MAYBE some of the hate would die down a little, but I see that isn't going to happen. Now, I love football. I love it more than any girl I know. However, I also feel compassion in my heart for other people, not just my team or the rival. I have witnessed a spreading of hatred for each other's teams like I have never seen before. I don't know if it's media hyping up the hate, if its social media, or if society is really losing a grip on humanity, but I saw things I didn't think I'd EVER see. It makes me sad, and I think it ALMOST ruined me on the sport. I did decide though, that I wouldn't let someone else's words, actions, or thoughts change something that I have loved all of my life.
There are people struggling in the aftermath of the tornadoes in AL, MO, MS, and many other areas. Folks lost everything they owned. People lost loved ones. Yes, football can take your mind off of these problems, but spreading hate isn't going to help any either. Personally, when I feel that sort of ugliness in my heart, it just leaves me upset with an empty feeling inside.
Then again, a rivalry can bring out the best in us, too. After the trees were poisoned, fans from the other school jumped in to help us. We all jumped in to help anyone who needed it after the tornadoes. It's too bad that we can't keep things this way.
My friend Teresa lost her grandmother and her dad within a short period of time.
My friend Robert lost his mom.
We have had THREE! teachers at school have miscarriages.
A lady I used to teach with has been diagnosed with a blood cancer and she is now waiting on a bone marrow transplant.
A young man named Garrett and his wife both died in a tornado in Birmingham. A friend of his dad's maintains a site for prayer for others. There I learned about Chelsea, a young lady who almost died from a drug overdose. She is struggling to get back to daily life, dealing with some brain damage and some emotional damages. I learned about Tyler, a little boy who has a cancer that will probably get the best of him.A rivalry in football seems minor compared to these problems. It goes on and on.
So many people are hurting. So, as the season goes on, cheer for your team!!! I know I certainly will! I think even a friendly jab is ok. Before you decide to be HATEFUL, think of the people who have lost everything. Root for your team, but let's keep things in perspective. I don't have any nifty, clever sayings to go here, but as a man I admire said in his book, 'Wins don't validate us and losses don't define us. How we respond to things is what matters.'
So, I am challenging myself and anyone else who reads my blog and is a lover of college football, let's preserve this game. Lose the hate for the other team and root for your team.
It seemed like this off-season was filled with a hate like never before. After so much has gone on, I thought MAYBE some of the hate would die down a little, but I see that isn't going to happen. Now, I love football. I love it more than any girl I know. However, I also feel compassion in my heart for other people, not just my team or the rival. I have witnessed a spreading of hatred for each other's teams like I have never seen before. I don't know if it's media hyping up the hate, if its social media, or if society is really losing a grip on humanity, but I saw things I didn't think I'd EVER see. It makes me sad, and I think it ALMOST ruined me on the sport. I did decide though, that I wouldn't let someone else's words, actions, or thoughts change something that I have loved all of my life.
There are people struggling in the aftermath of the tornadoes in AL, MO, MS, and many other areas. Folks lost everything they owned. People lost loved ones. Yes, football can take your mind off of these problems, but spreading hate isn't going to help any either. Personally, when I feel that sort of ugliness in my heart, it just leaves me upset with an empty feeling inside.
Then again, a rivalry can bring out the best in us, too. After the trees were poisoned, fans from the other school jumped in to help us. We all jumped in to help anyone who needed it after the tornadoes. It's too bad that we can't keep things this way.
My friend Teresa lost her grandmother and her dad within a short period of time.
My friend Robert lost his mom.
We have had THREE! teachers at school have miscarriages.
A lady I used to teach with has been diagnosed with a blood cancer and she is now waiting on a bone marrow transplant.
A young man named Garrett and his wife both died in a tornado in Birmingham. A friend of his dad's maintains a site for prayer for others. There I learned about Chelsea, a young lady who almost died from a drug overdose. She is struggling to get back to daily life, dealing with some brain damage and some emotional damages. I learned about Tyler, a little boy who has a cancer that will probably get the best of him.A rivalry in football seems minor compared to these problems. It goes on and on.
So many people are hurting. So, as the season goes on, cheer for your team!!! I know I certainly will! I think even a friendly jab is ok. Before you decide to be HATEFUL, think of the people who have lost everything. Root for your team, but let's keep things in perspective. I don't have any nifty, clever sayings to go here, but as a man I admire said in his book, 'Wins don't validate us and losses don't define us. How we respond to things is what matters.'
So, I am challenging myself and anyone else who reads my blog and is a lover of college football, let's preserve this game. Lose the hate for the other team and root for your team.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
This and That
Football starts next week!!! College football, anyway!! I am very excited for the season to get kicked off and all of the offseason garbage to get taken care of by the game instead. I LOVE college football. I mean it. The media ALMOST ruined it for me this past year, and I don't mean just the stuff with Auburn. They are so bent on getting a story or getting even, they don't even care about the people that are being affected. I have decided that they won't steal my joy of the game.
So many people are struggling with so many things right now. A lady I used to teach with has been very sick. She has finally been diagnosed with a blood cancer. She needs your prayers. Her name is Lisa. So many people are hurting. Young children are sick. People who work can barely pay bills. Things are more important than breaking a story or getting a W.
I just hope as this season comes along, we can all keep in perspective the things that are really important.
So many people are struggling with so many things right now. A lady I used to teach with has been very sick. She has finally been diagnosed with a blood cancer. She needs your prayers. Her name is Lisa. So many people are hurting. Young children are sick. People who work can barely pay bills. Things are more important than breaking a story or getting a W.
I just hope as this season comes along, we can all keep in perspective the things that are really important.
Friday, August 5, 2011
First Days of School
OK, I needed to tell this story, but it would be too hard to tell it with multiple tweets, so I will put it here.
This year, I am not doing inclusion. I won't be so consumed with state testing prep, although I will still be administering the tests every time. We operate on a 4x4 schedule, which means we have 4 classes a day that are 95 minutes. They take 4 classes in semester one and 4 classes in semester.
My first period class is called 'Comprehensive Reading and Math, and it was created for students with IEPs working on a regular diploma who might need a period with a tutor teacher to help them with homework, test reading, and things of that nature. That class is an INTERESTING mix of kids. I have about 8 kids in the class as of now. There is one student with hearing impairment. We shall call him *Matthew. He attends class with an interpreter. There is another student named *Donald. Donald has a genetic disorder. He is in a wheelchair. His brain works fine, but his body doesn't work. Donald has a personal aide that attends class with him because he cannot write (hands wont let him), and he cannot get books out or things like that. Donald's aide is named *Carla. There is another student who has autism. The rest just have learning disabilities. Only the student with autism is not on a regular diploma program.
Matthew also uses an FM System. He wears a receiver and I wear a transmitter. This is a battery pack type thing with a cord that goes around my neck and a microphone clipped to the top of my shirt. Matthew has never heard much at all, so he is sensitive, even though the FM system isn't loud.
On Thursday, the first day of school, Donald's aide stepped out to go to the restroom. No problem whatsoever. While I was reviewing the new bullying protocol, Donald raises his hand (just a little) and tells me he has a nosebleed. I walk over to move his other hand, and he has a GUSHER of a bleed, not a small one. So, I grabbed a wad of tissues and applied pressure. The interpreter came over to help me. She was holding the tissues to Donald's nose so I could get help. Meanwhile, the student with autism is FREAKING out. He was hopping around the room. He also got some tissue paper and wadded it up in little rolls. He walks over to Donald and tells him to stick it up his nose to stop the nosebleed.
I had gone to the door (didn't want to hit call button...yet) to see if Carla was on her way back. Sure enough, there she was. So (forgetting I was wearing the FM system!!!!!!), I YELL into the hallway, 'CARLA! DONALD'S NOSE IS BLEEDING!!! At this moment, Matthew is doubled up with his hands over his ears. Oops.
So, we finally got Donald's nose under control, cleaned up, and ready to go. Matthew has moved past hte loud sound he was not used to hearing. The student with autism had settled down. We were back to reading the handbook policies. At this time, our new principal got on the intercom to announce we were about to have our tornado drill. He told the kids what he told us...about with all the things that had happened weather wise this year, he didn't feel comfortable with anyone going one day without knowing what to do. He then adds that it isn't tornado season, but we were going to do it anyway.
So, we moved to tornado drill position in the hallway. Right after we returned to the room, it was time for the bell to ring. That was yesterday, then last night we had the insane weather. It wasn't a tornado, but if someone looked at some of the damage, they would think it was a low-level tornado.
So, all of that happened between 7:55-9:00. Ahhh, so is life. :) Today was just as nutty, but we got through it!
** Names have been changed to protect the...well, protect people. :P
This year, I am not doing inclusion. I won't be so consumed with state testing prep, although I will still be administering the tests every time. We operate on a 4x4 schedule, which means we have 4 classes a day that are 95 minutes. They take 4 classes in semester one and 4 classes in semester.
My first period class is called 'Comprehensive Reading and Math, and it was created for students with IEPs working on a regular diploma who might need a period with a tutor teacher to help them with homework, test reading, and things of that nature. That class is an INTERESTING mix of kids. I have about 8 kids in the class as of now. There is one student with hearing impairment. We shall call him *Matthew. He attends class with an interpreter. There is another student named *Donald. Donald has a genetic disorder. He is in a wheelchair. His brain works fine, but his body doesn't work. Donald has a personal aide that attends class with him because he cannot write (hands wont let him), and he cannot get books out or things like that. Donald's aide is named *Carla. There is another student who has autism. The rest just have learning disabilities. Only the student with autism is not on a regular diploma program.
Matthew also uses an FM System. He wears a receiver and I wear a transmitter. This is a battery pack type thing with a cord that goes around my neck and a microphone clipped to the top of my shirt. Matthew has never heard much at all, so he is sensitive, even though the FM system isn't loud.
On Thursday, the first day of school, Donald's aide stepped out to go to the restroom. No problem whatsoever. While I was reviewing the new bullying protocol, Donald raises his hand (just a little) and tells me he has a nosebleed. I walk over to move his other hand, and he has a GUSHER of a bleed, not a small one. So, I grabbed a wad of tissues and applied pressure. The interpreter came over to help me. She was holding the tissues to Donald's nose so I could get help. Meanwhile, the student with autism is FREAKING out. He was hopping around the room. He also got some tissue paper and wadded it up in little rolls. He walks over to Donald and tells him to stick it up his nose to stop the nosebleed.
I had gone to the door (didn't want to hit call button...yet) to see if Carla was on her way back. Sure enough, there she was. So (forgetting I was wearing the FM system!!!!!!), I YELL into the hallway, 'CARLA! DONALD'S NOSE IS BLEEDING!!! At this moment, Matthew is doubled up with his hands over his ears. Oops.
So, we finally got Donald's nose under control, cleaned up, and ready to go. Matthew has moved past hte loud sound he was not used to hearing. The student with autism had settled down. We were back to reading the handbook policies. At this time, our new principal got on the intercom to announce we were about to have our tornado drill. He told the kids what he told us...about with all the things that had happened weather wise this year, he didn't feel comfortable with anyone going one day without knowing what to do. He then adds that it isn't tornado season, but we were going to do it anyway.
So, we moved to tornado drill position in the hallway. Right after we returned to the room, it was time for the bell to ring. That was yesterday, then last night we had the insane weather. It wasn't a tornado, but if someone looked at some of the damage, they would think it was a low-level tornado.
So, all of that happened between 7:55-9:00. Ahhh, so is life. :) Today was just as nutty, but we got through it!
** Names have been changed to protect the...well, protect people. :P
Sunday, June 5, 2011
In the last week or so, I stumbled onto a FB site called 'Prayers for Garrett Jones'. Garrett was critically injured in the tornados in AL in April. Not sure exactly where they lived. His wife was killed in the tornado. Early this morning, Garrett joined his wife in Heaven. Garrett's parents lost another son a decade ago from cancer. This family is grieving and and rejoicing at the same time. Please join me in praying for his parents, Frank and Janelle Jones. I believe there is an Aunt Stephanie and maybe another brother named Kevin. Please pray for this family. This line in the story broke my heart, 'We haven't made any plans for arrangements yet; only that he will be laid to rest beside Jennifer.' I think they were around 25 years old. This family will need your prayers.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
General Stuff
So far, I have been enjoying my time off. I have been doing an extreme cleaning of my house, and I have had various doctor appointments taken care of. I need to have a little work done on my car. It has been REALLLLLY hot. I have still been walking and exercising, although the eating right hasn't been going as well. My mom is having minor surgery on Friday, so I will have to help her out for a few days.
I wanted to get something down. It's a quote from Coach Chizik after the Iron Bowl this year.
"You fight when it don't look good. You fight when everybody counts you out. You fight when there's NO WAY anybody besides you thinks you can do it. You just keep fighting, and at some point, you are going to win."
I like that quote. It definitely described Auburn football this year. The more things piled on, the more focused they seemed to get.
I like Coach Chizik. I like most everyone on the Auburn staff. I don't know him personally, of course, but he seems to be a genuine person.
Anyway. Just some random thoughts tonight.
I wanted to get something down. It's a quote from Coach Chizik after the Iron Bowl this year.
"You fight when it don't look good. You fight when everybody counts you out. You fight when there's NO WAY anybody besides you thinks you can do it. You just keep fighting, and at some point, you are going to win."
I like that quote. It definitely described Auburn football this year. The more things piled on, the more focused they seemed to get.
I like Coach Chizik. I like most everyone on the Auburn staff. I don't know him personally, of course, but he seems to be a genuine person.
Anyway. Just some random thoughts tonight.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
A Lasting Legacy
So, today we had a retirement reception for our football coach, Coach Jones. Due to an interesting hiring situation, the new coach's name is ALSO Coach Jones. Hence the names, Old Coach Jones and New Coach Jones. None of this blog is a comparison to New Coach Jones, it just meant to be a few thoughts on OCJ.
7 players in the NFL
10 yrs straight of playoffs
1 State Championship
2 South State Championships
Tons of kids on football scholarships at various colleges
23 years of coaching
17 years of head coaching
Yet, no one today discussed football or wins. Instead, people mentioned integrity, loyalty, honesty, dependability, a love for his players and students, and character. They discussed what an impact OCJ has had on the community by teaching the players to become honest, productive members of the community. This is a man who could teach classes on how to be a man, a dad, a teacher, and a coach.
In my opinion, there are not words to describe the impact he has had over those 23 years and there is no way to count the students he has impacted. He has impacted my life. He has truly left a lasting legacy at our school. I can only hope I impact lives the way he has. He has developed a winning program with honesty and integrity. He rarely gets mad. He is always respectful.
So, OCJ, whatever you do in life, where ever you go, your heart belongs to us. We love you and will miss you very much at GCHS. Good luck in everything you do.
7 players in the NFL
10 yrs straight of playoffs
1 State Championship
2 South State Championships
Tons of kids on football scholarships at various colleges
23 years of coaching
17 years of head coaching
Yet, no one today discussed football or wins. Instead, people mentioned integrity, loyalty, honesty, dependability, a love for his players and students, and character. They discussed what an impact OCJ has had on the community by teaching the players to become honest, productive members of the community. This is a man who could teach classes on how to be a man, a dad, a teacher, and a coach.
In my opinion, there are not words to describe the impact he has had over those 23 years and there is no way to count the students he has impacted. He has impacted my life. He has truly left a lasting legacy at our school. I can only hope I impact lives the way he has. He has developed a winning program with honesty and integrity. He rarely gets mad. He is always respectful.
So, OCJ, whatever you do in life, where ever you go, your heart belongs to us. We love you and will miss you very much at GCHS. Good luck in everything you do.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Learning From Kids
So, most everyone knows I have been to lots of the kiddos baseball games. They lost last night and are out of it now. However, we made it into the quarterfinals, so they were one of the four best teams in the state. It was heartbreaking to see them lose. They are such good kids. Some of the boys were crying a little bit, which is totally ok in my opinion. They were just so disappointed. Region and Area Champs, but they wanted to do more. The senior players were most upset. They knew it was going to be the last home game, so it was emotional already. It was the last game. They gave played 4 back to back 3 game series. They have had to travel for 2 of them. They have had senior awards nights, top 20 banquets, and other stuff to be at. I know they are exhausted.
There is another student, a physically handicapped student, who has attended almost all of the home baseball games. He loves baseball, and he loves talking with the senior players afterward. Even with the boys being as upset as they were, the seniors still got together and signed a baseball for Derrick. They had already gotten him a jersey. I know part of them wanted to just get in their trucks and leave last night. They are disciplined kids though, and they have huge hearts. They got together, signed the ball, gave it to Derrick and posed for pictures. (Red eyes and all) I think it says a lot about the character that they have.
So, for these boys, these senior boys- Mason, Dayton, Andrew, Derick E., Tyler H., Tyler C., Jason...you all are wonderful people. You are going to do great things in life. You have been wonderful examples and leaders of the school, classroom, community, and on the baseball field. You have represented George County High School well. Thank you to all of you. I can't wait to see what is in store for you. We are definitely going to miss you. You have left a lasting impression on the students and teammates younger than you. They will grow into great leaders because of you.
I think we could all take a lesson from kids. Remember, Once A Rebel, Always a Rebel!
There is another student, a physically handicapped student, who has attended almost all of the home baseball games. He loves baseball, and he loves talking with the senior players afterward. Even with the boys being as upset as they were, the seniors still got together and signed a baseball for Derrick. They had already gotten him a jersey. I know part of them wanted to just get in their trucks and leave last night. They are disciplined kids though, and they have huge hearts. They got together, signed the ball, gave it to Derrick and posed for pictures. (Red eyes and all) I think it says a lot about the character that they have.
So, for these boys, these senior boys- Mason, Dayton, Andrew, Derick E., Tyler H., Tyler C., Jason...you all are wonderful people. You are going to do great things in life. You have been wonderful examples and leaders of the school, classroom, community, and on the baseball field. You have represented George County High School well. Thank you to all of you. I can't wait to see what is in store for you. We are definitely going to miss you. You have left a lasting impression on the students and teammates younger than you. They will grow into great leaders because of you.
I think we could all take a lesson from kids. Remember, Once A Rebel, Always a Rebel!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Toomer's For Tuscaloosa
I just want to take a second and thank Holly Hart and all of the other people who were part of organizing Toomer's for Tuscalooa. While the title is dedicated to Tuscaloosa, this awesome group has been helping people all over the state. Just to set things straight, though, this is people helping people. This is not any government agency or anything along those lines. They saw and need, and they developed a plan to help.
I am truly amazed. Auburn and Alabama football players working side by side. The band members from Auburn and Alabama working side by side. Fans of both schools working side by side. People have driven from MANY states who aren't a fan of either school, just saw a need and wanted to help. I will mention specifically, Samaritan's Purse. I have worked with them through Key Club. Also, my very good friend told me how much SP helped her after her home was destroyed by Katrina. I know there are other states that need help, too. I hope the Red Cross and SP are doing so. I do know that a truck was leaving TFT headed for Mississippi.
Folks are going to need help for a long time. I thank everyone who has already done so.
If you want to help, there are many ways:
I have collected donations and helped the Semmes for Pratt City group. However, I am still trying to spread the word as well. If you have fb, check out the Toomers for Tuscaloosa page on FB, a true picture of community in action.
Mark 12:31
The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these."
I am truly amazed. Auburn and Alabama football players working side by side. The band members from Auburn and Alabama working side by side. Fans of both schools working side by side. People have driven from MANY states who aren't a fan of either school, just saw a need and wanted to help. I will mention specifically, Samaritan's Purse. I have worked with them through Key Club. Also, my very good friend told me how much SP helped her after her home was destroyed by Katrina. I know there are other states that need help, too. I hope the Red Cross and SP are doing so. I do know that a truck was leaving TFT headed for Mississippi.
Folks are going to need help for a long time. I thank everyone who has already done so.
If you want to help, there are many ways:
I have collected donations and helped the Semmes for Pratt City group. However, I am still trying to spread the word as well. If you have fb, check out the Toomers for Tuscaloosa page on FB, a true picture of community in action.
Mark 12:31
The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these."
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
What is WRONG With People????
So, seriously. What is wrong with people? I know the answer; the problem is Satan! I was reading the paper this evening. We have this horrid section of the newspaper called 'Sound Off.' People with very little good to say call in and say outrageous things. There is a regular section and a sports section. I know that the opinions may not be that of the newspaper, but I think when they print something, even if it is some person's phoned in complaint, the newspaper is responsible for what is printed.
The sports one contained one person's call in about a particular sports figure, calling him a 'horrible excuse for a human being.' Not everyone has to like him, and everyone is certainly entitled to their opinions. I think the people who drove from Florida to loot people in Alabama and Mississippi- THEY have done HORRIBLE things. The sports figure may be a polarizing figure, but I think it is unfair and rather cruel to call him a horrible excuse for a human being. The media wanted to be furious when someone poisoned the trees, but they will still print things that stir up hate. I have debated calling the newspaper all evening. I would hope that I would want to defend a person, even if I weren't a fan. Does that make any sense? I would hope so, anyway.
There are so many other things going on in the world that are bigger than we are. Love or hate sports figures or other famous people, they are still humans. They have a mother and a father. Some of them even have younger siblings who are still young and very impressionable. They have friends. Some have kids. I wish people would think twice before some things were said. If it isn't really that important, DON'T SAY IT!
Be ye kind, one to another.
The sports one contained one person's call in about a particular sports figure, calling him a 'horrible excuse for a human being.' Not everyone has to like him, and everyone is certainly entitled to their opinions. I think the people who drove from Florida to loot people in Alabama and Mississippi- THEY have done HORRIBLE things. The sports figure may be a polarizing figure, but I think it is unfair and rather cruel to call him a horrible excuse for a human being. The media wanted to be furious when someone poisoned the trees, but they will still print things that stir up hate. I have debated calling the newspaper all evening. I would hope that I would want to defend a person, even if I weren't a fan. Does that make any sense? I would hope so, anyway.
There are so many other things going on in the world that are bigger than we are. Love or hate sports figures or other famous people, they are still humans. They have a mother and a father. Some of them even have younger siblings who are still young and very impressionable. They have friends. Some have kids. I wish people would think twice before some things were said. If it isn't really that important, DON'T SAY IT!
Be ye kind, one to another.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
It has been a long week in Alabama. Don't get me wrong, there are other states in need. Mississippi, Georgia, Tennesee, and Virginia were also affected. I spent some time Saturday working at a shoe collection. The only time I saw this kind of mass destruction in places I have friends, family, and places I love was after Hurricane Katrina. The difference for me was 1) I had no electricity after Katrina, so I was unable to see any type of coverage. I could only listen on the radio 2) I had to phyiscally clear our own property so I didn't have a lot of time to really ponder it.
I have felt compelled to help. I think others have as well. A rather large group of people who call Alabama home really stepped up to the plate. If you look on facebook, the group Toomers for Tuscaloosa is organizing a HUGE effort to provide relief and assistance. They have another website up and running, but I think the address is in the process of being changed. I don't know about anyone else, but it really turns me off when I hear Red Cross or other officials say, 'Donate money! We don't need anything else.' I get it, I do. However, not everyone has extra cash. Also, folks like to see immediate results when they want to help. This group is finding needs directly and trying to help. For instance, yesterday, they asked for large sized clothes. People really only had what they had on when the tornado hit. When places offered help, there wasn't really anything but small clothes. So, the group set out to find clothes. They did. They asked for help finding showers, then shower trucks showed up.
I don't have family in Tuscaloosa. I do have family in Calhoun County, which was hit pretty hard. My aunt's home and 'stuff' is in Cahaba Heights, which was also damaged pretty badly. All of my family has been accounted for, thank God. The widespread destruction from Smithville (?) , Mississippi all the way to Virginia is staggering. It is really more than anyone can bear.
The majority of the help getting to Alabama for the time being is not government led. It is people-led, which is the way we have accompished things in this country. Neighors helping neighbors, and in this case, rivals who have become brothers in arms.
I just wanted to write for a little bit. I have a lot of my heart, and it is tough to articulate it the way I want to, but I thought I'd least get some of it out. There is more work to be done. More love, more stuff, more prayers are needed.
Greater things are yet to come and greater things are still to be done.
I have felt compelled to help. I think others have as well. A rather large group of people who call Alabama home really stepped up to the plate. If you look on facebook, the group Toomers for Tuscaloosa is organizing a HUGE effort to provide relief and assistance. They have another website up and running, but I think the address is in the process of being changed. I don't know about anyone else, but it really turns me off when I hear Red Cross or other officials say, 'Donate money! We don't need anything else.' I get it, I do. However, not everyone has extra cash. Also, folks like to see immediate results when they want to help. This group is finding needs directly and trying to help. For instance, yesterday, they asked for large sized clothes. People really only had what they had on when the tornado hit. When places offered help, there wasn't really anything but small clothes. So, the group set out to find clothes. They did. They asked for help finding showers, then shower trucks showed up.
I don't have family in Tuscaloosa. I do have family in Calhoun County, which was hit pretty hard. My aunt's home and 'stuff' is in Cahaba Heights, which was also damaged pretty badly. All of my family has been accounted for, thank God. The widespread destruction from Smithville (?) , Mississippi all the way to Virginia is staggering. It is really more than anyone can bear.
The majority of the help getting to Alabama for the time being is not government led. It is people-led, which is the way we have accompished things in this country. Neighors helping neighbors, and in this case, rivals who have become brothers in arms.
I just wanted to write for a little bit. I have a lot of my heart, and it is tough to articulate it the way I want to, but I thought I'd least get some of it out. There is more work to be done. More love, more stuff, more prayers are needed.
Greater things are yet to come and greater things are still to be done.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
So, I hit the mark of my first weight loss goal. 25 pounds. Still working, though. One day at a time. I got a little off track for a while, but still tried to eat better than I had been previously. I am back to working out, trying to do it at least 4 times a week.
Tonight, I've been watching this quarterback spotlight. I understand that these guys stand to make more money than I could ever imagine in my lifetime. What I don't understand is why people think they have the right to evaluate character, family, and football skills. People who know only a little bit are dangerous.
It's no secret that I have two teams I love. Auburn, the team I was raised in, then Southern Miss, the school I chose to love. I love them both. I can't choose between them. When Auburn and Southern Miss played a few years ago, I wore Auburn hair ribbons, Southern Miss shirt, an Auburn sticker and pin, and Southern Miss socks. I rooted for the offense.
I just don't think I have the right to decide what can be published on a person when I don't know them. I only know what someone else told me or ONE thing I learned. People are people. I am glad no one analyzes my life based on something that someone else said happened. Otherwise, I was intrigued by the show. These seem like three guys working their hearts out. I wish the best to all of them.
Also tomorrow is the anniversary of the oil rig explosion. I am focusing on the explosion instead of the spill because 11 men died. With everything that happened, it seemed like the men that died have been forgotten. So, for all the men who died, we DO remember you. In addition, it is the anniversary of the shootings at Columbine High School. Being a teacher, I am acutely aware of school incidents. I can't imagine picking up the pieces and going on after something like that. God bless all of you. You are in my thoughts, even if it seems others are twisting into a swirl of politics.
Tonight, I've been watching this quarterback spotlight. I understand that these guys stand to make more money than I could ever imagine in my lifetime. What I don't understand is why people think they have the right to evaluate character, family, and football skills. People who know only a little bit are dangerous.
It's no secret that I have two teams I love. Auburn, the team I was raised in, then Southern Miss, the school I chose to love. I love them both. I can't choose between them. When Auburn and Southern Miss played a few years ago, I wore Auburn hair ribbons, Southern Miss shirt, an Auburn sticker and pin, and Southern Miss socks. I rooted for the offense.
I just don't think I have the right to decide what can be published on a person when I don't know them. I only know what someone else told me or ONE thing I learned. People are people. I am glad no one analyzes my life based on something that someone else said happened. Otherwise, I was intrigued by the show. These seem like three guys working their hearts out. I wish the best to all of them.
Also tomorrow is the anniversary of the oil rig explosion. I am focusing on the explosion instead of the spill because 11 men died. With everything that happened, it seemed like the men that died have been forgotten. So, for all the men who died, we DO remember you. In addition, it is the anniversary of the shootings at Columbine High School. Being a teacher, I am acutely aware of school incidents. I can't imagine picking up the pieces and going on after something like that. God bless all of you. You are in my thoughts, even if it seems others are twisting into a swirl of politics.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Weather and Other Things
It's definitely been a whirlwind of a spring.
One of my kiddos (the one who plays baseball) was offered a scholarship to play baseball at a nearby community college. What is interesting is I talked to his mom on a Tuesday night at a game. His mom mentioned that he hadn't had any offers. He was good enough to play walk-on someplace, but he was slightly discouraged. The NEXT DAY, the coach from JCJC called. The coach came on Friday night, and made the offer the same night. I am SO excited for him! They were supposed to play last night (didn't happen since we had 75 tornados or something last night.), and I am not sure when it will get rescheduled. It definitely will since it is a division game, and we are tied for 2nd. We need to come up with 2nd place so we can host a play-off round.
We are getting ready for state tests. I am so ready for it to be over with. The kids are stressed. We are stressed. It's just exhausting. I also had all of my IEP meetings last week, so I let myself sleep late today!!!
It was fun to hear the chatter about A-Day today (Auburn style) and not listen to yammering.
I know this is a really disjointed post, but so it goes. Looking forward to Easter weekend.
One of my kiddos (the one who plays baseball) was offered a scholarship to play baseball at a nearby community college. What is interesting is I talked to his mom on a Tuesday night at a game. His mom mentioned that he hadn't had any offers. He was good enough to play walk-on someplace, but he was slightly discouraged. The NEXT DAY, the coach from JCJC called. The coach came on Friday night, and made the offer the same night. I am SO excited for him! They were supposed to play last night (didn't happen since we had 75 tornados or something last night.), and I am not sure when it will get rescheduled. It definitely will since it is a division game, and we are tied for 2nd. We need to come up with 2nd place so we can host a play-off round.
We are getting ready for state tests. I am so ready for it to be over with. The kids are stressed. We are stressed. It's just exhausting. I also had all of my IEP meetings last week, so I let myself sleep late today!!!
It was fun to hear the chatter about A-Day today (Auburn style) and not listen to yammering.
I know this is a really disjointed post, but so it goes. Looking forward to Easter weekend.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
In Defense of College Sports
Trust me, there are lots of things I want to say. However, today, instead of defending the teams I love (Southern Miss and Auburn), I am going to simply defend college sports. I LOVE college sports, probably more than any other female around my age I know. I love college football, college basketball, college baseball, and even swimming. I am not going to try to defend particular programs. I am going to defend the college sports programs as a whole.
This past year, the growth of Internet sites has been huge. My grandmother used to say, "Trust none of what you hear, half of what you read, and only some of what you see." People like our favorite in-state radio host, 'journalists' who use twitter, (who is Brooks anyway? I don't really know who Clay is either.) and now it seems a pay for cable MOVIE channel are using things to slander, pick on, and encourage disgusting parts of a rivalry. Even one who works for a major network, but he has an 'agenda', and uses that agenda to pick apart or praise what he wants. It has nothing to do with truth or the sport itself. While some fans of other schools are beside themselves with glee at the struggles of another program, I would like to point something out. The way things are reported in college sports has changed. They went after us, and they WILL go after you. Right now, its funny and easy to join in. When the worm turns, it won't be so enjoyable. And it will turn, because it always does. The lack of integrity in society today has forever changed college sports. Yes, there are things on the schools ends and the players that also lack integrity. It doesn't really seem to matter, though, because whatever angle the 'journalists' would like to make true is accepted as genuine and fact. I don't know WHY this particular trend has occurred, other than the fact that these guys get paid for controversy to be stirred up. In this area, we are so passionate about our schools that we feel we cannot be silent. So, we respond. If we do, someone writes a column in the big city newspaper telling us to 'stop...blah, blah'. If we don't respond, then twitter journalists say, 'ohhh, they can't even respond.' I have been feeling increasingly disturbed by this trend, probably because one of my beloved schools was such a target this past year. If you ARE a journalist who uses twitter or radio or other media outlets and you have integrity, I would be even more furious. I know there are some of you. We need YOU to stand up and take charge.
I was one who after truth came out that the Toomer's trees were really poisoned, I said I would never listen to that radio show again. Lots of people said that. Some people went back to listening, others didn't. I have not listened again. (Sorry, Lee) I kind of feel like some of the fun has been sucked out of it for me. Then I got to thinking, that thought was letting the bad guys win. The bad guys here aren't the players of the other team or even the fans, but the bad guys are these people whose words are thought of as gold. What can be done about it? I don't really know. The point of all of this is, people who love college sports should link together. We need to demand integrity be returned to the area of 'reporting' If you are a fan of a team who has not been a target this year, you won't understand, yet. If your returns to the top, it will happen. You will become the target. Trust me, I don't like to see the teams I love to hate being dragged through media mud, either. There are some people specifically I don't care for, however, the programs as a whole being dragged through the mud, now that bothers me.
I don't know if this is making sense the way I wanted it to, but I felt like I had to say something. Before college sports are completely ruined, we need people who will say and do the right thing.
This past year, the growth of Internet sites has been huge. My grandmother used to say, "Trust none of what you hear, half of what you read, and only some of what you see." People like our favorite in-state radio host, 'journalists' who use twitter, (who is Brooks anyway? I don't really know who Clay is either.) and now it seems a pay for cable MOVIE channel are using things to slander, pick on, and encourage disgusting parts of a rivalry. Even one who works for a major network, but he has an 'agenda', and uses that agenda to pick apart or praise what he wants. It has nothing to do with truth or the sport itself. While some fans of other schools are beside themselves with glee at the struggles of another program, I would like to point something out. The way things are reported in college sports has changed. They went after us, and they WILL go after you. Right now, its funny and easy to join in. When the worm turns, it won't be so enjoyable. And it will turn, because it always does. The lack of integrity in society today has forever changed college sports. Yes, there are things on the schools ends and the players that also lack integrity. It doesn't really seem to matter, though, because whatever angle the 'journalists' would like to make true is accepted as genuine and fact. I don't know WHY this particular trend has occurred, other than the fact that these guys get paid for controversy to be stirred up. In this area, we are so passionate about our schools that we feel we cannot be silent. So, we respond. If we do, someone writes a column in the big city newspaper telling us to 'stop...blah, blah'. If we don't respond, then twitter journalists say, 'ohhh, they can't even respond.' I have been feeling increasingly disturbed by this trend, probably because one of my beloved schools was such a target this past year. If you ARE a journalist who uses twitter or radio or other media outlets and you have integrity, I would be even more furious. I know there are some of you. We need YOU to stand up and take charge.
I was one who after truth came out that the Toomer's trees were really poisoned, I said I would never listen to that radio show again. Lots of people said that. Some people went back to listening, others didn't. I have not listened again. (Sorry, Lee) I kind of feel like some of the fun has been sucked out of it for me. Then I got to thinking, that thought was letting the bad guys win. The bad guys here aren't the players of the other team or even the fans, but the bad guys are these people whose words are thought of as gold. What can be done about it? I don't really know. The point of all of this is, people who love college sports should link together. We need to demand integrity be returned to the area of 'reporting' If you are a fan of a team who has not been a target this year, you won't understand, yet. If your returns to the top, it will happen. You will become the target. Trust me, I don't like to see the teams I love to hate being dragged through media mud, either. There are some people specifically I don't care for, however, the programs as a whole being dragged through the mud, now that bothers me.
I don't know if this is making sense the way I wanted it to, but I felt like I had to say something. Before college sports are completely ruined, we need people who will say and do the right thing.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Another Day
This school year has flown by. Did you know that schoolyear and classwork aren't recognized by spell check? It seems like we just got going, and it's time for the state tests. Kiddo and Kiddo 2.0 took their tests in the vocational classes today. Kiddo 2.0 had a REALLY rough morning but he battled through. His mom had a car wreck on the way to work. She is ok, but he was pretty rattled. He was given the option of taking the test later in the week, but decided to go ahead because his mom might need him tomorrow. The test is online. Halfway through, the internet went down, and he had to start again. I am really in awe of some of our kids. They are amazing, strong, hardworking, and exceedingly kind. Naturally, not every student fits this mold.
I know lately teachers have taken a lot of crap. A lot of teachers have put a lot of crap out there. There are days I want to get on the loudspeaker and yell something, then slide down an inflatable slide as an escape hatch. However, most days I am extraordinarily grateful to be able to work with the kids I teach. Sure, there are a few that are punks. The good ones make up for it most of the time. The media likes to drag education through the mud. Everyone thinks the next new thing is the answer. This is what I know...there are no easy answers. The only thing I can do is go to work every day, give it my all, and love my kids. If Katie Couric and Oprah still want to complain, then well, I feel sorry for them, not me. They don't get to know Sensitive Boy Student, who is popular, yet one of the kindest kids I know. They don't get to know my student with significant learning problems and physical impairments who is so brave. He comes every day and gives it everything he has. They don't know Kiddo or Kiddo 2.0 who live in a HORRIBLE neighborhood with awful things going on around them. However, they both have a grandmother or a sister who had an influence on their lives that has put up a sort of wall of protection around them.
My pay isn't much. My insurance is crap. We catch a lot of junk from every direction.
Still, I feel like the blessed one. I feel sorry for Oprah and the ones who don't get it.
I know lately teachers have taken a lot of crap. A lot of teachers have put a lot of crap out there. There are days I want to get on the loudspeaker and yell something, then slide down an inflatable slide as an escape hatch. However, most days I am extraordinarily grateful to be able to work with the kids I teach. Sure, there are a few that are punks. The good ones make up for it most of the time. The media likes to drag education through the mud. Everyone thinks the next new thing is the answer. This is what I know...there are no easy answers. The only thing I can do is go to work every day, give it my all, and love my kids. If Katie Couric and Oprah still want to complain, then well, I feel sorry for them, not me. They don't get to know Sensitive Boy Student, who is popular, yet one of the kindest kids I know. They don't get to know my student with significant learning problems and physical impairments who is so brave. He comes every day and gives it everything he has. They don't know Kiddo or Kiddo 2.0 who live in a HORRIBLE neighborhood with awful things going on around them. However, they both have a grandmother or a sister who had an influence on their lives that has put up a sort of wall of protection around them.
My pay isn't much. My insurance is crap. We catch a lot of junk from every direction.
Still, I feel like the blessed one. I feel sorry for Oprah and the ones who don't get it.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Exponentially Insane
If you didn't know, my parents are math teachers. My mom and dad spent time arguing (not a real argument, a 'math discussion') how much difference the 8.9 and 9.0 earthquake rating would be. Since the earthquake people decided the earthquake was a 9.0 and not a 8.9, they set off into a discussion about how a tenth of a 'point' would be more and more destructive the higher the number works.
I have seen it explained using hurricane models. The same basic concept applies to hurricanes. The higher the wind speeds and lower the pressure, the more significant even the slightest change matters in hurricanes.
My mom also uses the NCAA tournament to teach exponential decay. Except this year, it is exponential decay with little tags hanging off of it.
If this makes no sense to you, its ok. It barely makes sense to me. I teach special ed English. I am barely hanging on when it comes to math.
I have seen it explained using hurricane models. The same basic concept applies to hurricanes. The higher the wind speeds and lower the pressure, the more significant even the slightest change matters in hurricanes.
My mom also uses the NCAA tournament to teach exponential decay. Except this year, it is exponential decay with little tags hanging off of it.
If this makes no sense to you, its ok. It barely makes sense to me. I teach special ed English. I am barely hanging on when it comes to math.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Long time, no blog
Lots has been going on the last few days. We had a big ol' fight at school last week. The description 'All hell broke loose' doesn't do it justice. At any rate, we were all exhausted by the end of the week. The weekend was great. We were off on Monday for 'Lundi Gras'. The kids were off for Tuesday, but we had a workday. Kiddo tried to help an injured person in the fight. He came to class with blood on his shirt and it kinda freaked me out. Then, I found out what he was doing- helping the coach who was injured. We got him clothes to change into and let him go home. He was a little rattled. So, we are thankful for GREAT kids, and we are thankful for a couple of days off so the kids would be away from each other for a few days.
We are having some CRAZY weather. Today was Fat Tuesday. In Mobile, one my my favorite things about the Fat Tuesday parades is the Comic Cowboys parade. The CC are political and social satire made into a parade. If you make news in the area, you're gonna get hassled by CC. The always use the theme 'Without Malice', and they make fun without discrimination...so, it really is all in good fun. If you've never seen it, look it up sometime, and watch an old parade online. The members are kept secret and the floats are all secret until parade day. It's just fun.
Auburn held its pro day today. Glad to hear some of the guys did well. Seems some of the media and some other folks are determined Auburn players don't/won't do well in draft and NFL. All I am going to say to that is, 'Give 'em, hell, you War Damn Eagles!'
We are having some CRAZY weather. Today was Fat Tuesday. In Mobile, one my my favorite things about the Fat Tuesday parades is the Comic Cowboys parade. The CC are political and social satire made into a parade. If you make news in the area, you're gonna get hassled by CC. The always use the theme 'Without Malice', and they make fun without discrimination...so, it really is all in good fun. If you've never seen it, look it up sometime, and watch an old parade online. The members are kept secret and the floats are all secret until parade day. It's just fun.
Auburn held its pro day today. Glad to hear some of the guys did well. Seems some of the media and some other folks are determined Auburn players don't/won't do well in draft and NFL. All I am going to say to that is, 'Give 'em, hell, you War Damn Eagles!'
Monday, February 28, 2011
What's Really Important
So, a friend of mine posted on her blog today. It reminded me of some of the things that are really important. She has had a struggle. Her husband died a couple of years ago from leukemia. She has a little girl who was only 5 months old when her daddy died. There are also two slightly older children. I think this is their wedding anniversary, so today has been a struggle for her. Thank you, Stephanie, for sending me a reminder today about things that are really important. The struggles you have endured the last few years sure make other things in daily life seem simple. Still praying for you, my friend.
Friday, February 25, 2011
College Goal Day
The high school I teach for has hosted an event for the last two years. It is part of a grant, but it is also part of a movement to help people in rural areas to sign up for financial aid to go to college. We have it in regional areas in the state, and our school has been able to host in for the past two years. Lots of our seniors come and go ahead and so their financial aid. We have a few people who are certified in the FASFA, and the rest of us just try to assist. Everyone can come, not just high school students, it is more of an outreach to encourage higher learning. It was a tremendous success and a big help last year. I worked at it this afternoon and into the evening. It seemed to be a success again. I am just glad we can help our kids. There is so much negative publicity about teachers and schools, but not a lot of attention on things like this. So many teachers volunteered the entire evening, until 7 pm on a Friday night. Plus, many of us brought food and other stuff for the participants and the other volunteers, so I just thought I'd put it out there. There are teachers that care. There are many fabulous teachers. We are doing everything we can to help kids.
Also, a very special thanks to my Key Club volunteers today!! Ya'll are the best, and I can't wait to take you all to the Kiwanis meeting for the luncheon!
Also, a very special thanks to my Key Club volunteers today!! Ya'll are the best, and I can't wait to take you all to the Kiwanis meeting for the luncheon!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Busy, Busy
I haven't posted that much lately. I have been pretty busy, and I have just been blah in general about stuff.
Friday, the termite repairs started. Friday consisted of ripping out drywall and insulation. Dang termites ate the insulation. Monday was more drywall tearing. Today was putting up drywall and 'mudding' and sanding. Thank goodness Terry's (my bro-in-law) uncle is the repair guy for Bugmaster.
I had fun with Emma and Ella yesterday. I picked them up from preschool and we went to eat. Then we played in the yard for a while.
Work has been work. An interesting article was published in a major newspaper in Mississippi regarding our state testing. The article was actually objective and made a lot of sense. I don't think the state board of education agree that it was honest and in hte ballpark of objective, so maybe, JUST MAYBE, we will see some changes in that process soon.
Just letting my few readers know I am still here. Hanging in there for now!
Friday, the termite repairs started. Friday consisted of ripping out drywall and insulation. Dang termites ate the insulation. Monday was more drywall tearing. Today was putting up drywall and 'mudding' and sanding. Thank goodness Terry's (my bro-in-law) uncle is the repair guy for Bugmaster.
I had fun with Emma and Ella yesterday. I picked them up from preschool and we went to eat. Then we played in the yard for a while.
Work has been work. An interesting article was published in a major newspaper in Mississippi regarding our state testing. The article was actually objective and made a lot of sense. I don't think the state board of education agree that it was honest and in hte ballpark of objective, so maybe, JUST MAYBE, we will see some changes in that process soon.
Just letting my few readers know I am still here. Hanging in there for now!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
It's a Crazy, Crazy World
We had a busy weekend with the girls birthday party. We had a great time, but it left me quite tired for the week.
Monday started of decently, but we ended up having two fights at school (when we normally don't have any) and our online gradebook system was randomly upgraded over the weekend. We haven't had to re-enter grades, but it has been quite difficult to navigate. One of my students is quite ill. He has had pneumonia and is having a hard time recovering. He is WAYYY behind and school is very hard for him. He has been doing as much work at home as he can, but it is hard for him. God bless his momma who has spent so much time helping him do as much schoolwork as possible. We also go the test scores back from the fall testing and they were not NEARLY as good as we had hoped in English. Math and History are fine. Biology scores haven't come back yet. English- not so much. We have been teaching our little hearts out, but the test is complicated and very long. I am basically stumped at this point.
Today was much less stressful, thank goodness. Kiddo only has one more day of in-school suspension, so hopefully we can get through tomorrow, then he can resume his normal schedule. I told him if he didn't get it together, he would be fumbling the ball on the 10 yardline. He is SO close to being done with school.
I have not been QUITE as tired this week as I felt last week. Maybe whatever I was fighting off has passed. We'll see.
Monday started of decently, but we ended up having two fights at school (when we normally don't have any) and our online gradebook system was randomly upgraded over the weekend. We haven't had to re-enter grades, but it has been quite difficult to navigate. One of my students is quite ill. He has had pneumonia and is having a hard time recovering. He is WAYYY behind and school is very hard for him. He has been doing as much work at home as he can, but it is hard for him. God bless his momma who has spent so much time helping him do as much schoolwork as possible. We also go the test scores back from the fall testing and they were not NEARLY as good as we had hoped in English. Math and History are fine. Biology scores haven't come back yet. English- not so much. We have been teaching our little hearts out, but the test is complicated and very long. I am basically stumped at this point.
Today was much less stressful, thank goodness. Kiddo only has one more day of in-school suspension, so hopefully we can get through tomorrow, then he can resume his normal schedule. I told him if he didn't get it together, he would be fumbling the ball on the 10 yardline. He is SO close to being done with school.
I have not been QUITE as tired this week as I felt last week. Maybe whatever I was fighting off has passed. We'll see.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Birthday Cakes
My mom, sister, dad, and I spent the day making the twins' birthday cakes. Last year, we had cakes done by a bakery and we were less than impressed. It was hard work, especially getting the bright orange and the navy blue icing but we had fun overall doing them. The bday party is tomorrow.
The writing needed a little work, but we did the best we could. Still looks better than what we had last year. Also, thanks to Aunt Bev for keeping the girls today while we made the cakes.
It has been a busy and hard week. Lots of kids sick, so I have been trying to keep up with makeup work. Kiddo made some bad decisions this week and got himself into hot water. He got lucky because admins took it fairly easy on him. They also let me sit in on the disciplinary meeting, even though they didn't have to do that. Admin knew he wouldn't have a parent present, so wanted him to have an adult advocate. Hope we can keep him from giving up and work through it. So, it has been a nutty week. Also, spent 3 days after school with Key Club making goodie bags for Valentine's Day for the kids at Headstart. I slept for ten hours last night. Felt better this AM but am now tired, AGAIN!
Looking forward to the girls party tomorrow. :)
The writing needed a little work, but we did the best we could. Still looks better than what we had last year. Also, thanks to Aunt Bev for keeping the girls today while we made the cakes.
It has been a busy and hard week. Lots of kids sick, so I have been trying to keep up with makeup work. Kiddo made some bad decisions this week and got himself into hot water. He got lucky because admins took it fairly easy on him. They also let me sit in on the disciplinary meeting, even though they didn't have to do that. Admin knew he wouldn't have a parent present, so wanted him to have an adult advocate. Hope we can keep him from giving up and work through it. So, it has been a nutty week. Also, spent 3 days after school with Key Club making goodie bags for Valentine's Day for the kids at Headstart. I slept for ten hours last night. Felt better this AM but am now tired, AGAIN!
Looking forward to the girls party tomorrow. :)
Sunday, February 6, 2011
No Catchy Title
We had a guest pastor this morning at church. Our pastor was out of town, and the speaker from the Disciple Now weekend was our 'pastor' for the day. He was really interesting. He had lots of good things to say. He worked with FCA for years, and he worked closely with Tim Tebow. Now, I love Auburn. I love Southern Miss. I love GCHS football. I also love Tim Tebow. He described this story where Tim was in a store in Gainesville. A college aged girl with her mom asked Tim if she could have her picture made with him. Tim agreed and posed with the girl. The girl's MOM was taking the picture. As mom was counting to three, when she got to two, the girl yanked up her shirt. Tim, being the elite athlete that is he, took off. Somehow, he was able to escape the photo.
I don't know why some people find it funny or humorous or a quest in life to try to do something to ruin or embarrass another person. It doesn't matter if they are an athlete, a teacher, or a postal worker. I have never found it rewarding to try to do something to ruin, hurt, or embarrass another person. I hope that one day that girl is able to realize what it means to try to be a role model for someone else. I DO take certain things somewhat personally, but it means a lot to me when people who are on their way to being famous try to do the right thing. I can't stand it when someone decides they are SO important that they will just try to take that person down. I know most people do NOT consider what Jesus would think about certain situations, but I sure wish they did. There are people who, especially with the faceless Internet, find it FUN to do those things. Sometimes, people say or do things that are taken the wrong way, taken out of context, or were just running their mouths. Those things don't bother me too much because I have said things on twitter that didn't come across the way I intended them. However, there are other people who are just bent on doing exactly those things. I hope one day Jesus opens their eyes and they are able to clearly see what effect the hurtful things they said or did had on a person. I have taken the stance that on the Internet at least, the best thing to do is to ignore these people and let their targets know I support them. I would like to say if I had witnessed the girl doing that to Tim that I would have spoken up. I hope I would have. Bullies are a part of every day life, but they shouldn't be allowed to take advantage of nice people who are trying to do the right thing, for the most part.
I don't know why some people find it funny or humorous or a quest in life to try to do something to ruin or embarrass another person. It doesn't matter if they are an athlete, a teacher, or a postal worker. I have never found it rewarding to try to do something to ruin, hurt, or embarrass another person. I hope that one day that girl is able to realize what it means to try to be a role model for someone else. I DO take certain things somewhat personally, but it means a lot to me when people who are on their way to being famous try to do the right thing. I can't stand it when someone decides they are SO important that they will just try to take that person down. I know most people do NOT consider what Jesus would think about certain situations, but I sure wish they did. There are people who, especially with the faceless Internet, find it FUN to do those things. Sometimes, people say or do things that are taken the wrong way, taken out of context, or were just running their mouths. Those things don't bother me too much because I have said things on twitter that didn't come across the way I intended them. However, there are other people who are just bent on doing exactly those things. I hope one day Jesus opens their eyes and they are able to clearly see what effect the hurtful things they said or did had on a person. I have taken the stance that on the Internet at least, the best thing to do is to ignore these people and let their targets know I support them. I would like to say if I had witnessed the girl doing that to Tim that I would have spoken up. I hope I would have. Bullies are a part of every day life, but they shouldn't be allowed to take advantage of nice people who are trying to do the right thing, for the most part.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Nothing New
I really have nothing new to blog about. I've been shopping around for a new desktop. I need to save a little more money before I can buy one, but I REALLY need one. I have also been excessively tired this week. I don't know if I am fighting something off or if something else is going on, but I just wish I could not feel so tired. I found out Friday night that one of my students has Chicken Pox, so I am really hoping we don't have some sort of high school outbreak of chicken pox. I know most students are vaccinated now, but there it is anyway.
Next week, I have to stay after school a few days. The Key Club is working on a service project. It seemed like a small project but has taken on a life of its own. Hopefully, the kids will have this as something to remember they worked really hard on. Hopefully, we can get it all done on Tuesday and Wednesday and get everything ready for the Kiwanis Club members to come and give us a thumbs up. The Key Club is really small. I took it over from someone else mid-year and it was not very active. The kids really wanted to get more involved, though. We decided to make treat bags for Valentine's Day for the kids at the Headstart program in the county. There are almost 300 kids in Headstart as it turns out, and we have 12 members. We decided to do a contest with the homerooms to collect the candy we need since we would have a hard time bringing that much stuff ourselves. It has turned into a huge thing, which is great. If all goes well, we can get all the bags made by Wednesday and the Kiwanis members will come pick up the bags and deliver them for Valentine's Day.
I have NOT done well on my diet this week, but I am not giving up!
Next week, I have to stay after school a few days. The Key Club is working on a service project. It seemed like a small project but has taken on a life of its own. Hopefully, the kids will have this as something to remember they worked really hard on. Hopefully, we can get it all done on Tuesday and Wednesday and get everything ready for the Kiwanis Club members to come and give us a thumbs up. The Key Club is really small. I took it over from someone else mid-year and it was not very active. The kids really wanted to get more involved, though. We decided to make treat bags for Valentine's Day for the kids at the Headstart program in the county. There are almost 300 kids in Headstart as it turns out, and we have 12 members. We decided to do a contest with the homerooms to collect the candy we need since we would have a hard time bringing that much stuff ourselves. It has turned into a huge thing, which is great. If all goes well, we can get all the bags made by Wednesday and the Kiwanis members will come pick up the bags and deliver them for Valentine's Day.
I have NOT done well on my diet this week, but I am not giving up!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Birthdays and Other Honors...
Today is my twin nieces' birthday. They turned 4 today. We are having their party in about a week and a half. I am still amazed with them. If you didn't know, they were preemies. Emma weighed 2.6 pounds and Ella weighed 3.7. They didn't really have any major problems other than needed to gain weight, but luckily, we have USA Children's Hospital here in Mobile, so we were able to see them as much as we wanted while they were in the NICU. USA's NICU is amazing. They were so professional yet caring and loving as well. The girls both were on strict routines with feeding and changing. Our family is forever grateful to all the staff at USA Children's and Women's Hospital. I also have a HUGE admiration for NICU nurses. So, thanks to anyone who is a NICU nurse or works in a NICU. They are doing great now, and they don't seem to have any lasting issues.
My mom got a huge honor today. The school she teaches at decided to start awarding a 'Heart and Soul' teaching award, named after a counselor who worked at the school for many, many years. The award is voted on by staff, and this year, my mom won! I am so proud of her. She didn't tell me, though, because she knew I'd try to come. She didn't tell me until tonight!
My mom got a huge honor today. The school she teaches at decided to start awarding a 'Heart and Soul' teaching award, named after a counselor who worked at the school for many, many years. The award is voted on by staff, and this year, my mom won! I am so proud of her. She didn't tell me, though, because she knew I'd try to come. She didn't tell me until tonight!
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Meet The Players
Yesterday, I did something I had never done before. I went to the Meet the Players event the Senior Bowl puts on every year! Although I have lived outside of Mobile almost my whole life, I have never gone. I've been to the Senior Bowl plenty of times, but never to the MTP.
When I found out Josh and Lee were going to be in the Senior Bowl this year, I decided I wanted to go. Then, I found out Zac was going, so I really wanted to go. I didn't know exactly how it would be organized, but read about it in the paper, listened to the local sports station guys discuss it, and watched the news. Last year, something like 10,000 people showed up to try to meet Tim Tebow but it turned out he had gotten sick. People kinda gave him a rough time, but sheesh, if you're sic, you're sick. It happens. Anyway.
I decided to get there early. I got there around 1:45 or 2:00. While it isn't that far as the crow flies to downtown from Semmes, it takes quite some time to drive there. At any rate, I got there early enough to park in the Convention Center parking garage, which was excellent. The city was using 'Event Parking' which was also good, because it was only $5.00 to park. I was fully expecting to pay more since I would be there for several hours.
Right when I got on the elevator to go in the building, I met a guy and his son dressed in Auburn attire. He said War Eagle and I returned the greeting. They were selling sharpies and SB programs, but I had brought my own sharpie. The guy (I never did ask his name. I was around him almost all day. Found out his kid's name, where he lived, what he did, watched Auburn videos on his cell phone but not his name) had his own sharpie as well. He was almost giggly in telling me that Bo Jackson had given him an autograph with that sharpie, so it was his 'autograph' sharpie. The line was already pretty long and the doors to the Exhibit Hall were not even open yet. In a little while, my friend Kim and her family arrived and we all spent time hanging out together and talking about Auburn stuff.
Finally, they announced the doors were opening. We followed the line. When we got closer, the lines split. Auburn on the left, Alabama on the right, and everyone else in the middle. While Auburn and Alabama clearly had the longest lines, there were also many people who had come to see some of the guys like Christian Ponder, DJ Williams, Courtney Smith and some others. We were in line near some doors when Josh Bynes came out and headed toward his spot. We heard someone say he had been sick as well. We knew we'd have to get in line again to meet Zac because they did the players in two sessions.
As we got closer, we heard them say one thing signed per person. I had two things I wanted to get signed. The guy and his son just had his hat, so his son carried my dad's hat for me. I did give him a pin from an Auburn-Alabama game in 1992 for his trouble! :) I also brought one for Kim's son. We got through and Lee and Josh were very nice. They had a bunch of people surrounding them. Some were senior bowl officials. Some were Mobile Police Officers. There was a guy in an Auburn shirt who was kinda hovering over both of them, so the guys were pretty limited as to what they could do. I said 'War Eagle, thanks for a great season.' I also asked how they were liking Mobile. They both smiled. They weren't allowed to really pose for pictures but they smiled while they were signing things so we could take pictures. I had brought my program from the Auburn-Georgia game that had all the seniors on the front.
In the middle were a bunch of kids things to do. Jumpy things and those spin around things they used to have at the space center. We went out on the balcony and sat by the bay for a few minutes. The Alabama line was REALLY long. Some of their fans didn't even get to Greg McElroy and Preston Dial. Preston Dial is a HUGE hometown kid since he is from Mobile. Everyone who had been in line on time got to see Josh and Lee. However, when we got in the line the second time, there was man from Arkansas who was hoping to meet Lee. I didn't think we were going to get back up there in time. He was very nice and we chatted with him in the line. Finally, all the guys from the first session came by the doors which the Auburn line was next to. Lee came by. The man asked for an autograph but the people around Lee said he couldn't. Lee kinda smiled at the man, though. When we had met Lee, they had these little baseball card like things, so I gave him mine from Lee. Then all the guys came by. Preston, Greg, Christian Ponder, Andy Dalton, the Matthews kid...several of the other guys (smaller school guys) stopped and signed autographs for the people in the Auburn line. It was pretty neat. We were telling the Arkansas guy about Zac's story, and he decided he wanted to wait in line to meet Zac. Then the second session guys came though. Zac came out smiling and bouncing. He was clearly enjoying himself.
So, we chatted with the man about Auburn and Arkansas. He was sorta in town for a wedding. I say sorta because they were over in Picayune which is kind of north of Kiln in Mississippi, not far at all from Slidell. We finally got up to meet Zac. He was smiling and talking to everyone. I said War Eagle and told him who I was on twitter. He smiled and said 'oh yeah,' I asked him about Mobile and he said it was great. The Arkansas man got his autograph and we wished him a good day He was headed over to meet the other Arkansas guys. That's why he wasn't in line in time to meet Lee. He had been in line to meet one of the Arkansas guys and then got in the Auburn line. He did get to meet DJ Williams and the other Arkansas guy he wanted to meet though. Then he said he was going to tell everyone how nice the Auburn folks in line were to him.
Kim and her family left then. Then I told the other guy and his son goodbye. They had driven from Ft. Walton. All in all, I'd say it was very organized and well-run. We had waited in line A LONG time. There were THOUSANDS of people there. There were some Alabama folks who were disappointed but I don't know if they'd been in line the whole time or not. As I was leaving, the parking deck across the street was full. As I drove down Water St., people were parked in the side of the road all the way down to the Press-Register building. it was full, full, full. I was actually proud of myself. While it is easy to GET to the convention center, it is NOT easy to get HOME from the convention center. I usually get on the Loop and drive around and around. I actually got off the Loop on the right spot!! It was a REALLY fun day. I hope the guys (other teams included) how much it means for the fans to be able to meet them. I know they are just regular guys. It really meant a lot to me and I know it did to those kids.
So, it was a great day. It was fun. I got both things autographed. I was SO tired though, that I bought junk food on the way home and ate it for dinner. I am having some trouble uploading photos, but I will do that this afternoon when I go to my parents' house to keep the twins.
When I found out Josh and Lee were going to be in the Senior Bowl this year, I decided I wanted to go. Then, I found out Zac was going, so I really wanted to go. I didn't know exactly how it would be organized, but read about it in the paper, listened to the local sports station guys discuss it, and watched the news. Last year, something like 10,000 people showed up to try to meet Tim Tebow but it turned out he had gotten sick. People kinda gave him a rough time, but sheesh, if you're sic, you're sick. It happens. Anyway.
I decided to get there early. I got there around 1:45 or 2:00. While it isn't that far as the crow flies to downtown from Semmes, it takes quite some time to drive there. At any rate, I got there early enough to park in the Convention Center parking garage, which was excellent. The city was using 'Event Parking' which was also good, because it was only $5.00 to park. I was fully expecting to pay more since I would be there for several hours.
Right when I got on the elevator to go in the building, I met a guy and his son dressed in Auburn attire. He said War Eagle and I returned the greeting. They were selling sharpies and SB programs, but I had brought my own sharpie. The guy (I never did ask his name. I was around him almost all day. Found out his kid's name, where he lived, what he did, watched Auburn videos on his cell phone but not his name) had his own sharpie as well. He was almost giggly in telling me that Bo Jackson had given him an autograph with that sharpie, so it was his 'autograph' sharpie. The line was already pretty long and the doors to the Exhibit Hall were not even open yet. In a little while, my friend Kim and her family arrived and we all spent time hanging out together and talking about Auburn stuff.
Finally, they announced the doors were opening. We followed the line. When we got closer, the lines split. Auburn on the left, Alabama on the right, and everyone else in the middle. While Auburn and Alabama clearly had the longest lines, there were also many people who had come to see some of the guys like Christian Ponder, DJ Williams, Courtney Smith and some others. We were in line near some doors when Josh Bynes came out and headed toward his spot. We heard someone say he had been sick as well. We knew we'd have to get in line again to meet Zac because they did the players in two sessions.
As we got closer, we heard them say one thing signed per person. I had two things I wanted to get signed. The guy and his son just had his hat, so his son carried my dad's hat for me. I did give him a pin from an Auburn-Alabama game in 1992 for his trouble! :) I also brought one for Kim's son. We got through and Lee and Josh were very nice. They had a bunch of people surrounding them. Some were senior bowl officials. Some were Mobile Police Officers. There was a guy in an Auburn shirt who was kinda hovering over both of them, so the guys were pretty limited as to what they could do. I said 'War Eagle, thanks for a great season.' I also asked how they were liking Mobile. They both smiled. They weren't allowed to really pose for pictures but they smiled while they were signing things so we could take pictures. I had brought my program from the Auburn-Georgia game that had all the seniors on the front.
In the middle were a bunch of kids things to do. Jumpy things and those spin around things they used to have at the space center. We went out on the balcony and sat by the bay for a few minutes. The Alabama line was REALLY long. Some of their fans didn't even get to Greg McElroy and Preston Dial. Preston Dial is a HUGE hometown kid since he is from Mobile. Everyone who had been in line on time got to see Josh and Lee. However, when we got in the line the second time, there was man from Arkansas who was hoping to meet Lee. I didn't think we were going to get back up there in time. He was very nice and we chatted with him in the line. Finally, all the guys from the first session came by the doors which the Auburn line was next to. Lee came by. The man asked for an autograph but the people around Lee said he couldn't. Lee kinda smiled at the man, though. When we had met Lee, they had these little baseball card like things, so I gave him mine from Lee. Then all the guys came by. Preston, Greg, Christian Ponder, Andy Dalton, the Matthews kid...several of the other guys (smaller school guys) stopped and signed autographs for the people in the Auburn line. It was pretty neat. We were telling the Arkansas guy about Zac's story, and he decided he wanted to wait in line to meet Zac. Then the second session guys came though. Zac came out smiling and bouncing. He was clearly enjoying himself.
So, we chatted with the man about Auburn and Arkansas. He was sorta in town for a wedding. I say sorta because they were over in Picayune which is kind of north of Kiln in Mississippi, not far at all from Slidell. We finally got up to meet Zac. He was smiling and talking to everyone. I said War Eagle and told him who I was on twitter. He smiled and said 'oh yeah,' I asked him about Mobile and he said it was great. The Arkansas man got his autograph and we wished him a good day He was headed over to meet the other Arkansas guys. That's why he wasn't in line in time to meet Lee. He had been in line to meet one of the Arkansas guys and then got in the Auburn line. He did get to meet DJ Williams and the other Arkansas guy he wanted to meet though. Then he said he was going to tell everyone how nice the Auburn folks in line were to him.
Kim and her family left then. Then I told the other guy and his son goodbye. They had driven from Ft. Walton. All in all, I'd say it was very organized and well-run. We had waited in line A LONG time. There were THOUSANDS of people there. There were some Alabama folks who were disappointed but I don't know if they'd been in line the whole time or not. As I was leaving, the parking deck across the street was full. As I drove down Water St., people were parked in the side of the road all the way down to the Press-Register building. it was full, full, full. I was actually proud of myself. While it is easy to GET to the convention center, it is NOT easy to get HOME from the convention center. I usually get on the Loop and drive around and around. I actually got off the Loop on the right spot!! It was a REALLY fun day. I hope the guys (other teams included) how much it means for the fans to be able to meet them. I know they are just regular guys. It really meant a lot to me and I know it did to those kids.
So, it was a great day. It was fun. I got both things autographed. I was SO tired though, that I bought junk food on the way home and ate it for dinner. I am having some trouble uploading photos, but I will do that this afternoon when I go to my parents' house to keep the twins.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
I Wanna See Your Passport in One Hand, Plane Ticket in the Other!!!!
These are just some rambling thoughts this evening, no real specific story or point.
OK, so the goofy title does have meaning. While in band in college, we traveled to Ireland to participate in the St. Patrick's Day Parade in Dublin. We also did a parade in Limerick, performed on the morning show, 'The Big Breakfast' (Don't ask me what it is. We were told it was similar to The Today Show, but there were TONS of people and some people dressed up as Easter eggs who were dancing), traveled around the country, and spent some time in London. Every time we were traveling from one place to the other, our band director would get on each bus and say 'I want to see your plane ticket in one hand and yout passport in the other! Hold them up!' Each time, I would panic just a little- sure that I was going to lose one or the other.
See, I think that while young people can be irresponsible, we cana ll be taught and molded how to do the right thing, be organized, and be able to complete things we started. It doesn't have to be with college band. It can be a football team, a softball team, or even a club. I know everyone's individual experiences make them who they are, which is what gives us a colorful society, but I think if everyone had some sort of experience where other people were relying on them to do something, people in general would be less selfish.
I noticed while checking the grades of my Key Club officers today, that I was worrying about the wrong students. The officers are ALL students who are top 20 in the class students. I enjoy working with these kids, but my greater concern is the students who are NOT involved. My 'special' kids are very near and dear to my heart. I work every day to make them accountable for their actions and grades. I encourage and reward them. They are still going to make bad choices at times, but they are still kids. I can only hope that there are some things that happen that we are teaching them so that they will remember how what helped them be responsible. Here's to hoping a large group of young adults will learn to be in control and make a difference as well. It is really the only hope we have as a society to stay even remotely civilized. (and ha, yes I see the paradox in that phase) So, if you are able to impact some young people in some way, even if you are a young person, take the time to try to make that difference.
By the way, if the show 'Punked' had been around while we were in Ireland, I would have been positive we were being Punked on that Big Breakfast show 'gig'.
OK, so the goofy title does have meaning. While in band in college, we traveled to Ireland to participate in the St. Patrick's Day Parade in Dublin. We also did a parade in Limerick, performed on the morning show, 'The Big Breakfast' (Don't ask me what it is. We were told it was similar to The Today Show, but there were TONS of people and some people dressed up as Easter eggs who were dancing), traveled around the country, and spent some time in London. Every time we were traveling from one place to the other, our band director would get on each bus and say 'I want to see your plane ticket in one hand and yout passport in the other! Hold them up!' Each time, I would panic just a little- sure that I was going to lose one or the other.
See, I think that while young people can be irresponsible, we cana ll be taught and molded how to do the right thing, be organized, and be able to complete things we started. It doesn't have to be with college band. It can be a football team, a softball team, or even a club. I know everyone's individual experiences make them who they are, which is what gives us a colorful society, but I think if everyone had some sort of experience where other people were relying on them to do something, people in general would be less selfish.
I noticed while checking the grades of my Key Club officers today, that I was worrying about the wrong students. The officers are ALL students who are top 20 in the class students. I enjoy working with these kids, but my greater concern is the students who are NOT involved. My 'special' kids are very near and dear to my heart. I work every day to make them accountable for their actions and grades. I encourage and reward them. They are still going to make bad choices at times, but they are still kids. I can only hope that there are some things that happen that we are teaching them so that they will remember how what helped them be responsible. Here's to hoping a large group of young adults will learn to be in control and make a difference as well. It is really the only hope we have as a society to stay even remotely civilized. (and ha, yes I see the paradox in that phase) So, if you are able to impact some young people in some way, even if you are a young person, take the time to try to make that difference.
By the way, if the show 'Punked' had been around while we were in Ireland, I would have been positive we were being Punked on that Big Breakfast show 'gig'.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
It Tumped Over...
So, today at church, our pastor was discussing dialectal language. He was explaining something in Ephesians, but was using our various phrases to try to compare things. He is a Mobile boy who moved away and was a pastor near Buffalo. He said if he had ever used the phrase 'it tumped over' while he was in Buffalo, people would have looked at him like he had three heads. I know it doesn't sound exactly biblical, but he has this amazing way of making things from the Bible understandable. He is an amazing teacher.
I don't really have any super insights or thought for this blog, but it made me think about some of our lovely southern phrases.
Of course, everone knows ya'll. However, ya'll can mean one person or several people. For emphasis, we sometimes say 'all ya'll'.
'Fixin' to' is used daily, as it about to do something.
One I use often is 'used to could', meaning something I could previously do but cannot anymore.
We also use 'about' as an adverb. 'He about cut his foot off.'
I know it isn't good grammar...but it is still funny. I even laugh at myself sometimes. I am not EVEN going to try to grammar and spell check this entry. Ha.
I don't really have any super insights or thought for this blog, but it made me think about some of our lovely southern phrases.
Of course, everone knows ya'll. However, ya'll can mean one person or several people. For emphasis, we sometimes say 'all ya'll'.
'Fixin' to' is used daily, as it about to do something.
One I use often is 'used to could', meaning something I could previously do but cannot anymore.
We also use 'about' as an adverb. 'He about cut his foot off.'
I know it isn't good grammar...but it is still funny. I even laugh at myself sometimes. I am not EVEN going to try to grammar and spell check this entry. Ha.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
A Great Day
I didn't get to go to Auburn today to see the National Championship Celebration. I would have loved to go, but there were many things going on around here today. I did watch it online. It was a terrific thing to see. I wasn't sure I'd ever see it in my lifetime. I cried today, watching the trophies being presented. I cried when the honored the 04 team. I cried when I saw the crowd, team, and coaches cheering for Kodi.
It was just a tiny bit bittersweet in one aspect. Some people who read know I teach high school. In December of 08, we had a student killed in an 'incident.' It was a devastating day. I will honestly say it was a harder day as a teacher than 9/11. He was a top notch football player. He was the most dynamic player I have EVER seen as a high school student, and I am not saying that just because he played for the school I teach at. As a freshman, he played like a superstar in the state championship game. The players have worn patches on their jerseys the past two years with his number. His number is also painted in the endzones, where Billey Joe liked to spend so much time! He was being recruited by many schools, including the two schools of his choice. The school HE wanted to go to was Auburn. His second choice was Oregon. When it was decided that Auburn and Oregon would be playing for the NC, several students casually mentioned to me how much Billey would have loved it. A student who I have worked with for several years was very close to Billey. His death almost did 'Kiddo' in. Kiddo came up to me and showed me a picture of Billey in an Auburn shirt. He said, 'Do you wonder if he would have played in this game?' That just about broke my heart.
This would have been his freshman year in college. I don't know if he would have made it academically. I don't know if he would have decided to go. I know what he wanted to do. I know he would have loved playing at Auburn. Even if he hadn't been playing, he would have loved to have seen Auburn win the national championship. So today, when watching the celebration, I could help but pause my thoughts on Billey Joe. Whether it had been a part of the team or a part of the celebration, it was a day he would have loved.
So, Billey Joe, a big War Eagle just for you. Not a day goes by at GCHS that someone doesn't mention your name. You may not have gotten to play for Auburn, but the memory of you remained in the game.
It was just a tiny bit bittersweet in one aspect. Some people who read know I teach high school. In December of 08, we had a student killed in an 'incident.' It was a devastating day. I will honestly say it was a harder day as a teacher than 9/11. He was a top notch football player. He was the most dynamic player I have EVER seen as a high school student, and I am not saying that just because he played for the school I teach at. As a freshman, he played like a superstar in the state championship game. The players have worn patches on their jerseys the past two years with his number. His number is also painted in the endzones, where Billey Joe liked to spend so much time! He was being recruited by many schools, including the two schools of his choice. The school HE wanted to go to was Auburn. His second choice was Oregon. When it was decided that Auburn and Oregon would be playing for the NC, several students casually mentioned to me how much Billey would have loved it. A student who I have worked with for several years was very close to Billey. His death almost did 'Kiddo' in. Kiddo came up to me and showed me a picture of Billey in an Auburn shirt. He said, 'Do you wonder if he would have played in this game?' That just about broke my heart.
This would have been his freshman year in college. I don't know if he would have made it academically. I don't know if he would have decided to go. I know what he wanted to do. I know he would have loved playing at Auburn. Even if he hadn't been playing, he would have loved to have seen Auburn win the national championship. So today, when watching the celebration, I could help but pause my thoughts on Billey Joe. Whether it had been a part of the team or a part of the celebration, it was a day he would have loved.
So, Billey Joe, a big War Eagle just for you. Not a day goes by at GCHS that someone doesn't mention your name. You may not have gotten to play for Auburn, but the memory of you remained in the game.
So, if they Really Wanted to Help...
It thoroughly annoys me that we are promised 'help'. Things will be 'different.' Here are the things I know:
1. Gas prices keep going up. I already am in a carpool. Public transportation is not an option in my area.
2. The Water and Sewer rates are going up.
3. Homeowners insurance continues to skyrocket.
4. Every other 'utility' has recently raised rates, all stating 'we haven't raised rates in ___ years.'
5. I am making every effort to eat healthier. Healthier food is MUCH more expensive. If we are SOOOOO worried about the overweight (which I am), I don't think taxing soda and junk food is the answer. How about LOWERING the price of wheat bread or those types of foods?
Here is what else I know:
1. My pay check has NOT increased. As a matter of fact, it DECREASED. The state took out more money for state retirement, starting in August, which lowered my paycheck to being with.
2. Health insurance premiums were raised starting January 1.
The news says not to expect the gas prices to go down any time soon. They also predicted increased costs of food and other things.
Something SERIOUSLY has to give. I am not angry. I just wish we, as a country, would use a little more common sense when considering what would actually help people.
1. Gas prices keep going up. I already am in a carpool. Public transportation is not an option in my area.
2. The Water and Sewer rates are going up.
3. Homeowners insurance continues to skyrocket.
4. Every other 'utility' has recently raised rates, all stating 'we haven't raised rates in ___ years.'
5. I am making every effort to eat healthier. Healthier food is MUCH more expensive. If we are SOOOOO worried about the overweight (which I am), I don't think taxing soda and junk food is the answer. How about LOWERING the price of wheat bread or those types of foods?
Here is what else I know:
1. My pay check has NOT increased. As a matter of fact, it DECREASED. The state took out more money for state retirement, starting in August, which lowered my paycheck to being with.
2. Health insurance premiums were raised starting January 1.
The news says not to expect the gas prices to go down any time soon. They also predicted increased costs of food and other things.
Something SERIOUSLY has to give. I am not angry. I just wish we, as a country, would use a little more common sense when considering what would actually help people.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Not for the Life of Me
I can totally understand the desire to be famous. I have never personally had that desire, really. Of course, I once thought I would swim in the Olympics, but at the time, I never paired that with fame. I have always tried to be the best teacher I could be, but it doesn't bother me to not win teacher of the year or any other teacher awards. The reason: I just don't want every move I make scrutinized by people who may or may not be educated on particular topics. In the day of the 24 hr news cycle, 24 hr cable news, internet news, blogs, and the ability to access news on mobile devices, every move some people make is reported as news, whether it is or not. Then, it becomes news even when its not really.
I cannot begin to imagine what people would think if they followed every move I made.
Here is what they would find:
A girl who was in the pep band at the NCAA tournament in Ruston, LA when the band stole sheets from the Holiday Inn to wear togas to the game. We were televised waving parts of the sheets around. The part ESPN showed? The sheet printed with 'PROPERTY OF HOLIDAY INN, RUSTON, LA.'
(If I might add that 'Inn' came equipped with fly swatters.)
A college student who stole toilet paper to work on the band's homecoming float.
Less than stellar grades in math, biology, chemistry and anthropology.
A girl who once had her car towed in college because she forgot to move it before a football game and it was in a 'alumni club parking zone.'
A gal who once had an entire plate of nachos dropped on her head when standing under the stadium at St. Martin HS, waiting to use the restroom. Yes, cheese dripped from my hair.
A gal who can be a little too passionate about her college teams at times.
A teacher who once gave a student a ride home when she taught alternative school because she knew the student would get into more trouble on the walk home than the teacher would get for giving her the ride home.
A teacher that shows favor to a few students who have terrible home lives and need someone to look out for them by holding them accountable for their actions; giving them reprimands when it is needed and praise and cookies when they do well.
A teacher who has a day every now and then when she is far to exhausted to do her job well and gives the kids worksheets.
I also use slang and incorrect grammar, even if my subject is English. I sometimes end my sentences with prepositions.
There are more but they are far too boring to keep posting.
Any of these things taken out of context could make someone look bad if someone tried hard enough.
So, thanks, but I will just live my little life in obscurity. That is ok with me.
I cannot begin to imagine what people would think if they followed every move I made.
Here is what they would find:
A girl who was in the pep band at the NCAA tournament in Ruston, LA when the band stole sheets from the Holiday Inn to wear togas to the game. We were televised waving parts of the sheets around. The part ESPN showed? The sheet printed with 'PROPERTY OF HOLIDAY INN, RUSTON, LA.'
(If I might add that 'Inn' came equipped with fly swatters.)
A college student who stole toilet paper to work on the band's homecoming float.
Less than stellar grades in math, biology, chemistry and anthropology.
A girl who once had her car towed in college because she forgot to move it before a football game and it was in a 'alumni club parking zone.'
A gal who once had an entire plate of nachos dropped on her head when standing under the stadium at St. Martin HS, waiting to use the restroom. Yes, cheese dripped from my hair.
A gal who can be a little too passionate about her college teams at times.
A teacher who once gave a student a ride home when she taught alternative school because she knew the student would get into more trouble on the walk home than the teacher would get for giving her the ride home.
A teacher that shows favor to a few students who have terrible home lives and need someone to look out for them by holding them accountable for their actions; giving them reprimands when it is needed and praise and cookies when they do well.
A teacher who has a day every now and then when she is far to exhausted to do her job well and gives the kids worksheets.
I also use slang and incorrect grammar, even if my subject is English. I sometimes end my sentences with prepositions.
There are more but they are far too boring to keep posting.
Any of these things taken out of context could make someone look bad if someone tried hard enough.
So, thanks, but I will just live my little life in obscurity. That is ok with me.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Thank You
So, I thought I'd take a second and officially thank all the seniors and those leaving Auburn. I would leave out some people some of the time, but I want to get everyone in.
Rhett Lashlee- I wish you ALL the best at Samford and look for great things from you in the future.
Cam, Darvin, and Nick- You gave us a fantastic season. I hope all of you know your AUfamily sticks around forever, so come back and visit as much as you can. Best of luck to all of you. You were fabulous in times of pressure this year, and we are thankful. It was fun!
For all of the seniors: You all were a team that stuck together in good times and bad. You REALLY went through it. I am SO glad you had such a great year to end your college careers.We are all so proud of all of you. You always have a home with the AUfamily, and we look forward to great things from all of you in the future, whether it is football or something else.
Mike Berry- thank you! you were part of the ever strong 0-line. This would NOT have been possible without you.
Mike Blanc- The D-line was incredible in the NC game. Thank you for all you have done for AU.
Jorrell Bostrom- Thank you! You made some big plays this year!
Kodi Burns- There will never be enough words to say how grateful were are to you. You sacrificed what you wanted for yourself for the good of the team. When you could have become very difficult, you stood up and did the right thing. More people should be like you. This world would be a better place. I look forward to seeing GREAT things from you.
Josh Bynes- You have been incredible for AU. I watched all those interceptions you made in the Arky game this year! Thank you.
Wes Byrum- From your freshman year, you were never afraid to go out on the field and make a game winning kick when so many people would fold under pressure. I think it is fitting that your college career ended in the same fashion as I remember it starting off. I will never forget you gator-chomping down the field and I will never forget your stone-cold ice look before you kicked at the end of the NC game.
Antoine Carter- You are the never give up guy! You kept running after the Heisman winner when others would have quit. Thank you!
Neil Caudle- Again, you sacrificed what you wanted for the good of the team and became a member of the never-fail extra-point and field goal unit. Thank you!
Wade Christopher- Thank you for your service and time at AU. Your presence made a difference.
Zach Clayton- It seemed like you were always coming up with great plays this year. You were always so humble and insightful in interviews. I think you will do great things.
Bart Eddins- Never in my life will I be able to erase the memory of seeing you in your Halloween costume. I know you battled injuries all of your career. Thank you for never quitting. You will do great things. It was wonderful to see you place in the SEC champ game.
Zac Etheridge- Again, words cannot express the way AU fans feel about you. We watched you being taken off the field, sure that you would never play again. You never believed that though. You are an inspiration for EVERYONE and a symbol of AU spirit. I have loved following you career and seeing you battle back from impossible circumstances.
Mario Fannin- Thank you! You were always able to comp up with big plays at times it mattered. You struggled but you never let it get you down. I know we will see great things from you.
Michael Goggans- You also never let circumstances get you down. You kept fighting, even when things weren't the brightest. You had your best moments when it counted, though. You will be great.
Byron Isom- This O-Line was a once in a lifetime group. It was amazing to watch you all simply not let ANYONE through. Thank you!
Woody Parramore- I never knew that much about you until the media days from the NC game. Thank you for your years at AU.
Ryan Pugh- All year, it seemed Centers were snapping the ball all over the field, over the heads of giant QBs. Not you. You were rock-steady. We will surely miss you. I don't think people appreciate a good center until there isn't one. I know you will do great things.
Aairon Savage- I know things didn't work out for you the way you wanted. You kept getting injuries. I really hope it led you to a place where you know what you want to do. You are a fighter and I know we will see great things from you.
Ryan Shoemaker- What a difference you made in the NC game! Your name is so perfect for kicking! I hope to see great things from you in the future.
Craig Stevens- You really came into your own this year. You worked hard and you earned it. Thanks for all you did for AU. You are going to go places!
Demond Washington- I remember you playing at MGCCC. You are a model for kiddos who want to play big football but need an alternative route. Thanks for sticking with it and not giving up. I use you as an example to encourage my players (students) who need to go to JUCO first. Thank you! You are going to do great things.
Terrell Zachery- You always found a way to make a big play when things were on the line. I hope you are successful in everything you do. Keep fighting. AU will miss you.
Lee Ziemba- From 'False Start, offense, #73' to someone who was a team leader who never, ever let anyone or anything through to his QB. You made a difference at AU, both by your spirit and your football talents. You were a leader on this team and you made a difference. I look forward to seeing great things from you in the future.
Rhett Lashlee- I wish you ALL the best at Samford and look for great things from you in the future.
Cam, Darvin, and Nick- You gave us a fantastic season. I hope all of you know your AUfamily sticks around forever, so come back and visit as much as you can. Best of luck to all of you. You were fabulous in times of pressure this year, and we are thankful. It was fun!
For all of the seniors: You all were a team that stuck together in good times and bad. You REALLY went through it. I am SO glad you had such a great year to end your college careers.We are all so proud of all of you. You always have a home with the AUfamily, and we look forward to great things from all of you in the future, whether it is football or something else.
Mike Berry- thank you! you were part of the ever strong 0-line. This would NOT have been possible without you.
Mike Blanc- The D-line was incredible in the NC game. Thank you for all you have done for AU.
Jorrell Bostrom- Thank you! You made some big plays this year!
Kodi Burns- There will never be enough words to say how grateful were are to you. You sacrificed what you wanted for yourself for the good of the team. When you could have become very difficult, you stood up and did the right thing. More people should be like you. This world would be a better place. I look forward to seeing GREAT things from you.
Josh Bynes- You have been incredible for AU. I watched all those interceptions you made in the Arky game this year! Thank you.
Wes Byrum- From your freshman year, you were never afraid to go out on the field and make a game winning kick when so many people would fold under pressure. I think it is fitting that your college career ended in the same fashion as I remember it starting off. I will never forget you gator-chomping down the field and I will never forget your stone-cold ice look before you kicked at the end of the NC game.
Antoine Carter- You are the never give up guy! You kept running after the Heisman winner when others would have quit. Thank you!
Neil Caudle- Again, you sacrificed what you wanted for the good of the team and became a member of the never-fail extra-point and field goal unit. Thank you!
Wade Christopher- Thank you for your service and time at AU. Your presence made a difference.
Zach Clayton- It seemed like you were always coming up with great plays this year. You were always so humble and insightful in interviews. I think you will do great things.
Bart Eddins- Never in my life will I be able to erase the memory of seeing you in your Halloween costume. I know you battled injuries all of your career. Thank you for never quitting. You will do great things. It was wonderful to see you place in the SEC champ game.
Zac Etheridge- Again, words cannot express the way AU fans feel about you. We watched you being taken off the field, sure that you would never play again. You never believed that though. You are an inspiration for EVERYONE and a symbol of AU spirit. I have loved following you career and seeing you battle back from impossible circumstances.
Mario Fannin- Thank you! You were always able to comp up with big plays at times it mattered. You struggled but you never let it get you down. I know we will see great things from you.
Michael Goggans- You also never let circumstances get you down. You kept fighting, even when things weren't the brightest. You had your best moments when it counted, though. You will be great.
Byron Isom- This O-Line was a once in a lifetime group. It was amazing to watch you all simply not let ANYONE through. Thank you!
Woody Parramore- I never knew that much about you until the media days from the NC game. Thank you for your years at AU.
Ryan Pugh- All year, it seemed Centers were snapping the ball all over the field, over the heads of giant QBs. Not you. You were rock-steady. We will surely miss you. I don't think people appreciate a good center until there isn't one. I know you will do great things.
Aairon Savage- I know things didn't work out for you the way you wanted. You kept getting injuries. I really hope it led you to a place where you know what you want to do. You are a fighter and I know we will see great things from you.
Ryan Shoemaker- What a difference you made in the NC game! Your name is so perfect for kicking! I hope to see great things from you in the future.
Craig Stevens- You really came into your own this year. You worked hard and you earned it. Thanks for all you did for AU. You are going to go places!
Demond Washington- I remember you playing at MGCCC. You are a model for kiddos who want to play big football but need an alternative route. Thanks for sticking with it and not giving up. I use you as an example to encourage my players (students) who need to go to JUCO first. Thank you! You are going to do great things.
Terrell Zachery- You always found a way to make a big play when things were on the line. I hope you are successful in everything you do. Keep fighting. AU will miss you.
Lee Ziemba- From 'False Start, offense, #73' to someone who was a team leader who never, ever let anyone or anything through to his QB. You made a difference at AU, both by your spirit and your football talents. You were a leader on this team and you made a difference. I look forward to seeing great things from you in the future.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Quest to get in shape
So, for about two weeks now, I've been careful with what I eat, working out at least every other day, and drinking more water than I normally do. So far, I've lost 3 pounds, but it depends on what time of day it is really. I wonder exactly how much weight fluctuates during the day. Mostly, I have been wanting to do this, but when I got a bad report on bloodwork on cholesterol, I decided to try to get it together. I really don't want to be 35 on blood pressure and cholesterol meds. I used to be really athletic and in really good shape, but somehow, I let it get away from me. In my heart, I am still that athlete that I was, but in my head, I know that it won't be exactly the same. However, I am determined to give it as much effort as I can.
I've got good music. I've got my mom's treadmill. I've got some Leslie Sansone walking videos...and I am gonna give it a go!
I've got good music. I've got my mom's treadmill. I've got some Leslie Sansone walking videos...and I am gonna give it a go!
Friday, January 14, 2011
School, Students, and a 3 Day Weekend
I am so grateful for three day weekends. Today just about kicked my tail at school. First of all, if you didn't know, I teach in a team-teaching setting. We teach English II, which is technically a tenth grade class. However, it is one of the state-tested classes, so if the kids fail the test, they have to keep taking the test until they pass it, or they don't graduate. Now, one might say, 'Well, they should pass it to graduate.' I agree to an extent, but this test is terribly difficult. There are usually 78 questions. There are long, tedious, boring reading passages. Just, well, complicated. So, I am the special ed teacher in the room. I help the students who have learning disabilities who are on regular diploma, but I also have a few students mixed in who are senior students on what Mississippi calls an 'Occupational Diploma'. This option is VERY good, and there are even some community colleges nearby which take an OD for entrance. I have 3 students now who are senior athletes (2 football players, one baseball player). They need this class in order to be considered for scholarship to whichever CC they are going to. We spent the end of last week doing ACT applications. Then today, just absolutely did me in. Almost all of our kids failed a test yesterday, so today we let them rework some of the problems for partial credit. There was just so much going on, it was exhausting! I am just ever so grateful for Friday, especially one with a three day weekend.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Moment in the Sun
Wow! I can't believe it really happened. After the 2004 team was left out, I wasn't sure I'd see an Auburn National Championship in my lifetime. Yet, there was something about this team. I can't put my finger on it exactly, but a blessed individual once said, 'You can't buy team chemistry at Wal-Mart.' (I guess the trophy can be displayed there, though. That's another story for another day.) If I had to put a place I thought it started, I would say LAST year with Kodi. Then, Zac got hurt, yet he clawed his way back to a starting position. Ziemba and Pugh with their rock solid leadership. Then, we had two power players, Cam and Nick. A guy named Darvin who could catch the ball no matter where it was put. Every time a player was interviewed, the gave credit to another player. The coaches; One, an offensive genius and man of God named Malzhan. He always looked like he was thinking, thinking- but you can tell how much he loves his family. A coach who everyone made fun of and mispronounced his name on purpose. He emphasized family and made the team do team events. (which I have to say was so much fun to watch) He made all the fans feel like a part of everything. One coach seems very hyper, yet what he provides for the team doesn't have a price tag. Another is a quiet man, but was able to put together important stops at exactly the right time. Three sets of twins among the coaches children.
A guy named Lutzenkirchen. A guy named Darvin. Mike. Terrell. Onterio. Egue. Dyer.Byron. Mario. Wes. Josh. Neil. Barrett.
I know I won't be able to mention everyone, so I am going to stop now.
One team called the Auburn Tigers. One mission. Destiny.
A National Championship. In my lifetime.
I believe in Auburn and love it.
A guy named Lutzenkirchen. A guy named Darvin. Mike. Terrell. Onterio. Egue. Dyer.Byron. Mario. Wes. Josh. Neil. Barrett.
I know I won't be able to mention everyone, so I am going to stop now.
One team called the Auburn Tigers. One mission. Destiny.
A National Championship. In my lifetime.
I believe in Auburn and love it.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
As I sit here on the evening of the National Championship game, I have reflected on some of the memories I have of Auburn football. What I remember MOST is being with my family and friends. When I was really young, we went every year to one game. We would always get to see my grandparents and we would tailgate with them. My sister and I had jerseys. Mine was a Bo Jackson jersey. My sister's was the jersey of Lionel James. I remember us playing in those jerseys in our tailgate area, which is now a parking lot.
I remember the 1984 Sugar Bowl. I remember getting to watch Bo do his thing that night. I also remember my sister sticking her tongue out at a little girl with a Michigan shirt on at the concession stand. Michigan scored and went ahead. That was the point I started believing in Sports Karma. Thank goodness we won. This is also what I remember. My sister got to stay in NOLA with my parents. My grandmother drove me home to Mobile and I went to school the next day. I was in the SECOND GRADE!!!
Later, when my parents inherited the season tickets by way of a great friend of my grandfather, we would kind of split the tickets and take turns going. My sis and bro in law would go to one game. My parents another. I would always go and take a friend. I remember getting to see Tiger make her last flight as the War Eagle.
I remember the emotion I felt when the AU-UA game was in Auburn after 9/11 when the bands played together.
They haven't always been GREAT memories. Last year, we went to the Kentucky game. We bought extra tickets so we could ALL go. My mom, dad, sis, broinlaw, and the twins. The WHOLE day went wrong. It was about 35 degrees colder than they had predicted. It rained and there was no prediction of rain. Ella got sick. They took her to the med station. Then we lost the game at the end!!!!! Then, Emma puked all over my dad on the way out of the stadium. We had planned to drive home, but with puking 2 yr olds, we had to stop. We had to stay at the seediest motel. You know what? Its worth it when Ella says, ' I throwed up at the War Eagle game. I throwed up EBRYWHERE!'
Then this year, I got to shake Cam's hand. I got to shake Zac's hand. I got to meet and talk with Zac's parents. It has been an unbelievable ride. I am so excited to add to the memories. It is one for the ages. If you read all that, all I can say is congratulations.
I remember the 1984 Sugar Bowl. I remember getting to watch Bo do his thing that night. I also remember my sister sticking her tongue out at a little girl with a Michigan shirt on at the concession stand. Michigan scored and went ahead. That was the point I started believing in Sports Karma. Thank goodness we won. This is also what I remember. My sister got to stay in NOLA with my parents. My grandmother drove me home to Mobile and I went to school the next day. I was in the SECOND GRADE!!!
Later, when my parents inherited the season tickets by way of a great friend of my grandfather, we would kind of split the tickets and take turns going. My sis and bro in law would go to one game. My parents another. I would always go and take a friend. I remember getting to see Tiger make her last flight as the War Eagle.
I remember the emotion I felt when the AU-UA game was in Auburn after 9/11 when the bands played together.
They haven't always been GREAT memories. Last year, we went to the Kentucky game. We bought extra tickets so we could ALL go. My mom, dad, sis, broinlaw, and the twins. The WHOLE day went wrong. It was about 35 degrees colder than they had predicted. It rained and there was no prediction of rain. Ella got sick. They took her to the med station. Then we lost the game at the end!!!!! Then, Emma puked all over my dad on the way out of the stadium. We had planned to drive home, but with puking 2 yr olds, we had to stop. We had to stay at the seediest motel. You know what? Its worth it when Ella says, ' I throwed up at the War Eagle game. I throwed up EBRYWHERE!'
Then this year, I got to shake Cam's hand. I got to shake Zac's hand. I got to meet and talk with Zac's parents. It has been an unbelievable ride. I am so excited to add to the memories. It is one for the ages. If you read all that, all I can say is congratulations.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
For all those who keep fighting
I am full of emotion tonight. It's been building up. All of my life, I have been an Auburn fan. It's not that I accept mediocrity, its just that I love Auburn so much that nothing would make me NOT be a fan. In 2004, I had hope of the team playing for the National Championship, but it was not in the cards for us that year. Here I sit on the Saturday night prior to the Monday National Championship Game. I have been hurrying around getting everything ready for two days of work so I don't have to worry about getting things ready before/during/after the game. It still doesn't seem real. I am so excited. If I had the money, I would so love to go to Glendale. I feel badly though, that there are so many people with such negativity. The negativity I am speaking of isn't even relating to Cam Newton. That would take a whole other blog all together.
People can say what they want. Yes, there has been some controversy surrounding the team this year. That hasn't stopped them. Especially these seniors. They have REALLY been through some things. The season when Tony Franklin was brought in was just terrible. My family still cheered for the team. Took our usual ribbing and beyond-teasing from so called friends. It's nothing compared to what the players and their families went through. Yet, they stuck it out. They played through a TERRIBLE season. Then, a coaching change, a so-so season, and a devastating injury to a teammate. Now, they sit on the edge of greatness. If you feel you have negative things to say, please find somewhere else to say it. The players, their families, and the coaches deserve to enjoy the last moments these boys have of college ball. Is it jealousy? I am not sure. I have definitely felt envy when Alabama won several NCs. I never, ever felt the need to rip parent, siblings, or individual players just because I could do it behind a faceless social network site. The thing that really bothers me is that these players and moms could TOTALLY not do the social network sites, yet they allow the fans to feel like we are a part of their lives and can enjoy the victory with them.
So, for the players, parents, and coaches who have kept fighting: The AUFamily LOVES ALL of you. I have prayed for protection over you. I have prayed for you to feel the joy in your hearts of being RIGHT where you deserve to be. Thank you for keeping twitter and facebook and letting me feel like I am a part of things. It has made this season SO much fun that NOTHING can take it away. I have laughed, cried, and nearly had 4 heart attacks this season, but I wouldn't trade it for the world.
We love you. We're cheering for you. We stand with you. Give 'em hell, you War Damn Eagles!
People can say what they want. Yes, there has been some controversy surrounding the team this year. That hasn't stopped them. Especially these seniors. They have REALLY been through some things. The season when Tony Franklin was brought in was just terrible. My family still cheered for the team. Took our usual ribbing and beyond-teasing from so called friends. It's nothing compared to what the players and their families went through. Yet, they stuck it out. They played through a TERRIBLE season. Then, a coaching change, a so-so season, and a devastating injury to a teammate. Now, they sit on the edge of greatness. If you feel you have negative things to say, please find somewhere else to say it. The players, their families, and the coaches deserve to enjoy the last moments these boys have of college ball. Is it jealousy? I am not sure. I have definitely felt envy when Alabama won several NCs. I never, ever felt the need to rip parent, siblings, or individual players just because I could do it behind a faceless social network site. The thing that really bothers me is that these players and moms could TOTALLY not do the social network sites, yet they allow the fans to feel like we are a part of their lives and can enjoy the victory with them.
So, for the players, parents, and coaches who have kept fighting: The AUFamily LOVES ALL of you. I have prayed for protection over you. I have prayed for you to feel the joy in your hearts of being RIGHT where you deserve to be. Thank you for keeping twitter and facebook and letting me feel like I am a part of things. It has made this season SO much fun that NOTHING can take it away. I have laughed, cried, and nearly had 4 heart attacks this season, but I wouldn't trade it for the world.
We love you. We're cheering for you. We stand with you. Give 'em hell, you War Damn Eagles!
Friday, January 7, 2011
How I Became an Auburn Fan
So, another reason I wanted to start a blog was to post various thoughts on other things. I am a HUGE Auburn fan. I wrote a little thingie on it a while back. Blaze2000.com was gracious enough to share my thoughts via his blog. At any rate, here they are. This was written around November 10th.
I guess you would say I didn’t choose Auburn. It chose me. I remember being REALLY little and meeting my grandparents in Auburn. My grandparents lived in Oxford, so they were close. They would ‘save’ a spot and we would tailgate right in front of Haley Center. We would always go to Anders, where my dad worked in college. Ms. Rosemary and my grandmother were friends. At gametime, my grandparents would go off to sit in their ‘orange seats’ while my parents and sister and I took the seats in the endzone. We went every year. We still attend every year. We now get to sit in those orange seats. I am happy that we have passed down the love to my nieces. Those are some of my best memories with my grandparents. I hope this is something they can remember, too. As far back as I can remember, we went to a game each year. Then, a player named BO came along. I saw him play in the Sugar Bowl around 1983 and KNEW I would love Auburn football for the rest of my life.
I also remember the agony and excitement I felt over the Iron Bowl over the years. Living in a rural area, there weren’t many Auburn fans. The years that Auburn lost, the phone would start ringing right after the game with people taunting my family or me. When Auburn won, my parents would not allow me to do the same. I learned early to believe in what I call ‘sports karma.’ I used to feel that I ‘hated’ the other team no matter what. Three years ago, I started teaching high school at a school that has a heavy emphasis on football. I teach football players. I try to help them. I see them as young people looking to start something wonderful. So with it, I see the players as kids and that includes the players for the other team. See, I teach at a school where a football player was killed in an incident. He never got to choose his team or give college ball a try. I always think of him. So, I can cheer for my team without tearing down the kids on the other team.
Every year brings excitement and apprehension.
This year has been special. There is something about this team. Now, they may win the rest of the games. They may lose them. It’s not that it doesn’t matter, because it does. However, when you look at some of the stories, winning another game is just secondary.
- Zac Etheridge: Anyone who knows me knows I have followed him closely since his injury. This kid was possibly looking at not walking again. To think he is back on the football field is just amazing to me. The whole story of his injury and his friendship with Rodney Scott brings me to tears every time. Through it all, he has credited God, his family and his friends. Just amazing to me!!! He is going to be something great.
- Kodi Burns: Things didn’t work out the way this kid wanted. He thought he was going to be a starting quarterback. A new offensive coach comes in and brings a QB with him. Kodi is not the starting quarterback. He would sometimes run the wildcat. Then, there was enormous turmoil at Auburn. Kodi stayed with it, though. He never won the starting QB job again. However, he has turned into a jam-up wide receiver. This is inspirational to me. What an Auburn man!
- Lee Ziemba: This huge, top of the line recruit appeared from Arkansas. He was always jumping offsides. I could SEE the potential. Then, the turmoil happened. He seemed a mess that year. However, again, he stuck it out. The new coaching group seemed to FIT him. He has turned into an outstanding player and leader on this team. Big things are going to happen for this kid. On Friday, he will become the new ‘Iron-Man of Auburn Football’. He will have his 50th consecutive start. That is again, amazing to me!
- Cam Newton: Whatever happened, didn’t happen, will happen, not sure we will ever know the true story. Sadly, the media took it as a chance to run a kid into the ground. I will say this: He is breathtaking to watch play. He plays with more joy and enthusiasm than I have seen in a long time. I never thought I’d see another electric player like Bo ever again, but I think he takes the cake! I’ve never seen anyone being tacked with such a big smile on his face!
- The feeling of family these coaches have returned to the game. Others can make fun of it, but it is important to me and to other Auburn folks. It’s just who we are.
- Seeing the pictures of that Halloween party and seeing the kids have fun brought a smile to my face, because at the end of the day, they are still just kids.
- When Mike Dyer broke Bo’s freshman rushing record and Bo hugged him and lifted his arm, it was an electric feeling. That was an amazing moment, whatever team you pull for. If it doesn’t mean something to you, then maybe it’s not a love a football you have.
You know what? I think even if I had chosen my team without the influence of my family, I would have chosen the same. It’s just who I am.
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